I have to get a new water heater for my recently purchased home. I'd like to 
know if anyone has experience with the on-demand, no-tank water heaters. If so, 
did you like it, not like it, think it was better than or not as good as a 
traditional water heater. Also, gas or electric? Since I have a gas furnace and 
electric everything else, I have a choice. In the next year or so, I'm going to 
have my kitchen replumbed for a gas stove and then have that extended into the 
living room for gas logs. So, as I said, I have options. 
I know that the purchase price is more expensive than for a traditional water 
heater, but will it save me enough $$$ in the long run to warrant the expense? 
I plan for this to be my last move, so am willing to invest a little to improve 
the house. Avista (the local gas co) will give me a substantial rebate on one 
of the on-demand water heaters. I'm asking you guys because of the variety of 
preferences and experiences. Anything you can tell me will be appreciated.      

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