I saw a 4 old former A.S.S. members at TCR.

John Gale was there from the 1974 era, along
with another guy whose name escapes me at the
moment that still lives in College Station ( I think ).

Alan Montemayor was there briefly and I think he was
from around the 1977 era.

John Brooks was there and I think he was from the 1979

Myself who was active from 84 to 88, semi-active from 89-92,
and very active in 1993.

Other A.S.S. members I sometimes see at TCR would have
been Travis Scott, Will Harris and Travis Kitchen, but they
were not there.

So other than the current group of A.S.S. members from
both College Station and Galveston, did I miss anybody ?

I guess I am concerned that from 1980 to about 2010, maybe there
was a 30 year gap of very little or zero representation.   I hope that
is not the case.     Hopefully, some of those people are still involved
in caving somewhere.     I am pretty sure Alan Glennon from the 1993
era is still caving and up in the Kentucky area.

I guess it is somewhat sad that even with social media, it is either
very difficult to track potential attendees down to invite them or just
to check on them, or that it is nearly impossible.    But you would think
that it least some of the officers or the more serious cavers in the group
would still be around.   Right ?    For example,  Chris Sobin.   Anybody
from him in 25 years ??     Pete Baron ??   Anybody heard from him in 20
years ?

Charles Fromen was there, and he was an Aggie caver back in the 60's,
but the club officially did not form until 1973.   He still counts though.

There were cavers there that once attended a class or a semester at
A&M.    I will let them respond if they wish.

Feel free to correct me on any of that.

David Locklear
A.S.S. Vice-President ( 1987 )   [ we had 2 people in the grotto, LOL ! ]
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