In conversation during the past NSS convention, I was told that a large bequest 
($500K) from Roger Sperka and an anonymous donation of $400K has very 
substantially reduced the balance the NSS still has to raise to pay off the 
mortgage on the NSS headquarters in Huntspatch. A very brief mention of such 
progress, without any details, was made during the banquet by the president. I 
would have expected much hoopla about this by now in the NSS News or elsewhere, 
but if there has been any, I missed it. Just looked at the president's report 
for the October BOG meeting to confirm details. The report is at, accessible only to 
NSS members.

I recall Roger Serka as an upper-Midwest caver from my old days in Chicago. He 
was living in El Paso when he died, apparently without any contact with Texas 
cavers. -- Mixon
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