The university of Texas System has substantial land holdings in west Texas, 
including Amazing Maze Cave and 09 Water Well.

---- Dwight via Texascavers <> wrote: 
> Thanks Mike. You are correct in that the private ownership of caves presents 
> it's own set of potential problems. 
> But you are not correct about land ownership in Texas. There is a LOT of 
> "public" ownership, especially in West Texas. Much is held by the State of 
> Texas, not the federal gvt. (except for the National Parks and a small 
> national forest). The General Land Office, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and 
> school disricts are the largest public land owning bureaucracies but the land 
> is often leased to individuals who treat it as their own private fiefdom. 
> That may not help much if you want access. 
> DirtDoc 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Queen" <> 
> To: "Dwight" <> 
> Cc: "TAG Net" <>,, "Cave NM" 
> <>, "Cave Texas" <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 10:19:30 AM 
> Subject: Re: [SWR CAVERS] Future of NSS membership 
> I think it is a drastic oversimplification to suggest that private ownership 
> of caves necessarily makes things easier for us or safer for the caves than 
> agency ownership. We are still excluded from Skull Cave (Albany County, NY), 
> because the owners were spooked by an accident (in a separate cave owned by 
> different folk) back in about 1971. When a land management agency works well 
> things are great, as they are with private owners. However, if things go 
> south with private owners there is absolutely no recourse but to buy the 
> caves, and often the owners don't want to sell. Look at what caving in Texas 
> is like, with almost no public land ownership. Anyone who thinks you can just 
> go caving wherever and whenever one wants should think twice. So if we are 
> lucky enough to know the land owners we can decry ownership by public 
> agencies. But if we are not so lucky we should not too quickly criticize 
> public ownership, and we should speak out against efforts to transfer federal 
> lands to state o
 r private ownership. 
> MQ 

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