Hear, hear, Locklear! The way I look at it anybody who crawls out of a cave 
after three days underground is a caver. Tomorrow we will have a grand 
celebration at Weazelworld in honor of that event and also the Weazel's 
impending 70th Bday! The weather is predicted to be glorious, so with any luck 
the prophetic little pocket gopher will poke his head out of the hole, see his 
shadow, then go back underground for the next 2000 years. Oh happy day!

Texican cavers who see this event from a different perspective should consider 
relocating to Florida, for here and only here will you find cavers who open 
grotto meetings with a prayer, thus setting a new depth record!


-----Original Message-----
From: Texascavers <texascavers-boun...@texascavers.com> On Behalf Of JAMES JASEK
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 10:02 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] This day in speleo-history

Thank you Charlie. David is a Sh*t head for posting this crap on a cave site. I 
had just rejoined Cave Tex and now I am considering dropping off again


> On Mar 30, 2018, at 7:10 PM, Charles Loving <lovingi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well David  Locklear that was about as negative a post as I have read. You 
> need to stay clear of religion. That was most insulting to anyone who 
> believes in Christ. If you want to be an atheist then say so but don't try to 
> make fun of other people's faith. It wasn't funny at all, and it made fun of 
> a Christian tradition. Easter is the holiest tradition and most important 
> celebration of Christianity religion. Mr theologist Locklear without the 
> three days there might not be Christianity. 
> It just ,goes to prove a few things about the likes of David Locklear. You 
> are not a theologist in any way means or form. So please just dig a hole and 
> crawl in it or go and hide under a rock. That was out and out shameful.
> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 2:50 PM, David <dlocklea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just for fun - please enjoy and don't get your knickers in a wad
> On this day, ( plus or minus a few weeks ) about 1,983 years ago ( 
> plus or minus 200 years )
> An alleged man allegedly named Joseph of Arimathea, went to an alleged 
> shopkeeper and allegedly purchased
> "The Shroud of Turin."
> He allegedly wrapped a dead guy up that he found in the The Shroud of Turin 
> and allegedly placed him in a tiny cave.   ( Allegedly, this tiny cave was 
> just a carved out hole in the rock that Joseph of Arimathea had allegedly 
> made for his own corpse, as he allegedly sensed the banshees were coming for 
> him soon. 
> Then Joseph allegedly disappeared for allegedly 60 hours ( presumably 
> to partake in a ritual, possibly related to Passover or spring harvest 
> related to barley ( a.k.a. beer  ),
> and then Joseph of Arimathea allegedly returned to the alleged cave for some 
> unknown reason and then allegedly found the Shroud of Turin empty with an 
> alleged large blood stain on it exactly matching a photo-copy the alleged 
> dude that he thought he had wrapped in it.
> Then after allegedly stashing away all his fresh barley juice in another 
> secret hole, he then allegedly ran 10 kilometers back to town to wake up the 
> dead man's mom and maybe even the dead man's wife, but they too were also 
> suffering the divine headache related to drinking too much barley juice.
> They all allegedly claimed that never found the dead guy's body, and swore a 
> pact to never tell anyone that they all had had way way too much barley juice 
> that night.
> This all has no relation to the Turing Computer.   That is another holiday.
> Did I leave out anything ?
> David Locklear
> Speleo-theologist
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> Charlie Loving
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