
Thank you for letting the community know about this opening. There used to be a 
CommercialServices page on the wiki too, though I don't know how up to date it 


Please keep your personal feelings off this list on issues such as this. All 
are welcome to post regardless of your politics or philosophy.


On May 10, 2011, at 4:35 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:

> I am not interested to work with you anyway, David, but thanks for the
> feedback. I've confirmed that I wanted to know about "WANdisco
> effect". I guess nobody objects against your code contributions to
> Trac if you're comfortable with the 3rd clause of its BSD license. ,)
> --
> anatoly t.
> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 7:57 PM, David Richards <da...@wandisco.com> wrote:
>> Anatoly,
>> Actually you are the only / first to bring this up but as you have I will
>> respond.
>> 1. Even though we knew that we would be roundly criticized / chastised. Our
>> goal was to kick-start the SVN project. There were a number of obstacles in
>> the way (corporations with vested interest). The article was taken
>> out-of-context as one might expect. The proof of the 'pudding is in the
>> eating' and we are very happy at the renewed pace of SVN development by the
>> community.
>> 2. We have full time open source developers that are a distinct group within
>> our company. that means that they are paid by us to develop open source
>> (Subversion). Not doing pre-sales engagements, not developing software for
>> the sole benefit of WAndisco but doing it for the community at large.
>> 3. We support apache with more that just words in addition to the huge
>> donation of paid developer time we are also a corporate sponsor of the
>> ASF: 
>> http://www.wandisco.com/news/press-releases/wandisco-sponsors-apache-software-foundation
>> 4. Following that article a very senior (board member) at Apache and one of
>> the founders of the Subversion project has a working relationship with the
>> company.
>> 5. the statement "but I am not sure if everyone would like to hear one day
>> that "WANdisco wrote trac-hacks in your press releases." is, politely
>> speaking, far fetched. Our goal is to reinvigorate a community around Trac
>> *NOT* destroy it. My interest in Trac hacs is simple - we are looking for
>> talented developers to come and get paid to develop Trac full time.
>> I hope that clears that up.
>> - David
>> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 12:59 AM, anatoly techtonik <techto...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> You company reputation isn't that good -
>>> https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/apache_subversion_to_wandisco_1
>>> - it is nice you realise the value of Trac, but I am not sure if everyone
>>> would
>>> like to hear one day that "WANdisco wrote trac-hacks" in your press
>>> releases.
>>> Just my 0.02 cents.
>>> --
>>> anatoly t.
>>> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 12:41 AM, David Richards <da...@wandisco.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> WANdisco is an active participant in the Apache Subversion Open Source
>>>> project.
>>>> We are interested in active participation in Trac. We are looking for
>>>> full-time software engineers (who have contributed to Trac in the past)
>>>> to
>>>> join our team.
>>>> If you are interested please reply to this email.
>>>> - David
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