welcome KR

On Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 17:07, gopala krishnan <gopa4...@yahoo.in> wrote:

> Thank you sir for reading the QA and responding with brief additions.
> Gopalakrishnan
> On Sunday, 25 February, 2024 at 11:08:22 pm IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> CULTURAL QA 02202425
> Q3         What are some inspirational short stories that can change a
> person's life?
> KR        Building good relationships is a fundamental aspect of human
> existence, influencing personal happiness, professional success, and
> overall well-being. Whether in familial, romantic, social, or professional
> contexts, the benefits of cultivating strong connections are widely
> acknowledged. However, like any endeavour, there are both pros and cons to
> consider when embarking on the journey of building relationships.
> Pros of Building Good Relationships:
> Emotional Support: Strong relationships provide a sense of belonging and
> emotional support during challenging times. Knowing that there are
> individuals who genuinely care about your well-being can bolster mental
> resilience and help navigate life's ups and downs.
> Increased Happiness: Meaningful relationships contribute to overall
> happiness and life satisfaction. Sharing experiences, accomplishments, and
> joys with others amplifies positive emotions and enhances the quality of
> life.
> Networking and Opportunities: Building relationships expands one's
> network, opening doors to new opportunities both personally and
> professionally. Connections with diverse individuals can lead to
> collaborations, mentorship, job prospects, and valuable insights.
> Improved Communication Skills: Maintaining healthy relationships requires
> effective communication, fostering the development of interpersonal skills
> such as active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution. These skills
> are transferable and beneficial in various aspects of life.
> Enhanced Self-Awareness and Growth: Interacting with others provides
> opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth. Through
> relationships, individuals gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses,
> and areas for improvement, facilitating personal development and
> self-awareness.
> Support System During Challenges: Good relationships serve as a support
> system during times of adversity, offering encouragement, practical
> assistance, and a sense of solidarity. Shared burdens become lighter when
> shouldered together with trusted companions.
> Cons of Building Good Relationships:
> Investment of Time and Energy: Building and maintaining relationships
> require significant investments of time, effort, and emotional energy.
> Balancing personal and professional commitments with nurturing
> relationships can be challenging and may lead to feelings of stress or
> burnout.
> Vulnerability and Risk of Hurt: Opening oneself up in relationships
> entails vulnerability and the risk of experiencing hurt or betrayal. Trust,
> once broken, can be difficult to repair, leading to strained relationships
> or emotional scars.
> Conflict and Misunderstandings: Disagreements, misunderstandings, and
> conflicts are inevitable in any relationship. Managing differences in
> opinions, expectations, and communication styles requires patience,
> empathy, and effective conflict resolution skills.
> Dependency and Co-dependency: Over-reliance on relationships for
> validation, support, or fulfilment can lead to unhealthy dependencies and
> co-dependent behaviours. Maintaining individual autonomy and boundaries
> within relationships is crucial for fostering healthy dynamics.
> Loss and Grief: The loss of relationships through separation,
> estrangement, or death can result in profound grief and emotional distress.
> Coping with the end of significant relationships requires resilience,
> support, and time to heal.
> Social Obligations and Expectations: Societal norms and expectations
> surrounding relationships may exert pressure on individuals to conform to
> certain roles or behaviours, potentially compromising authenticity and
> autonomy.
> In conclusion, while the benefits of building good relationships are
> numerous and invaluable, it is essential to acknowledge and navigate the
> challenges and complexities inherent in human connections. By fostering
> open communication, mutual respect, and empathy, individuals can cultivate
> fulfilling relationships that enrich their lives and contribute to their
> overall well-being. Ultimately, the journey of building and sustaining
> meaningful connections is a dynamic and rewarding endeavour worth pursuing
> despite its inherent challenges.
> K Rajaram  IRS  24224//25224
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Q4         What moment in your life left you speechless?
> KR          Speechless is when one is shutout in spite of the best
> efforts; but here he did not draw the correct Indian map; drawing may be
> poor; but knowledge cannot; so he is a dumb only so cannot go speechless
> for his avivekam.
> K Rajaram  IRS    25224
> On Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 00:07, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <
> thatha_patty@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> CULTURAL QA 02-2024-25
> All the below   QA are from Quora DIGEST to me  on   25-02-2024.
> Selected quora answers generally interesting are included .Still they   need
> not be 100% correct answers. I am only a compiler.
> Compiled and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan, 80,    on 25-02-2024.
> Q1         What is the funniest military-based joke you know?
> A1          Don Caine, US Army Retired 9mo
> A young man volunteers for airborne training. After one week, he phones
> his father.
>  “Dad, we had our first parachute jump today, but only about half the
> company jumped. The others were scared.”
> Dad: “Well, did you jump?” Son: “No, I was scared.”
> A week later he calls dad again “We had our second jump today. The
> sergeant said that anyone who didn’t jump this time would not get a pass
> for this weekend. All but about ten of us jumped.”
> Dad: “Well, did you jump?” Son: “No, I just couldn’t”.
> A week later he calls dad again “We had our third jump today. The sergeant
> said that anyone who didn’t jump was going to spend the weekend scrubbing
> the latrines with a toothbrush. Only three people didn’t jump.”
> Dad: “Well, did you jump?” Son: “Nope. I’m still too scared.”
> Another week goes by and he calls dad “Today was our fourth jump. The
> sergeant said he was bend anyone who didn’t jump over the seat and screw
> him up the rear.”
> Dad: “OK, so you jumped?” Son: “Yeah I jumped …
> Q2         What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind?
> A2         Rohith(రోహిత్),Studied at Indian Institute of Technology,
> Indore (IITI)Updated 3y
> Me and my family were watching Titanic movie .
> My 7 year old neighbour joined us. Everything was going smooth. Suddenly
> hero and heroine started making out.
> I just skipped seeing that part and started chatting on phone.
> Suddenly my neighbour boy asked me loudly in front of everyone “Rohith
> anna, what will you do if a girl is removing clothes in front of you.”
> I was embarrassed after listening the question. My parents were staring at
> me for my response.
> Me in my mind - “I am going to be homeless from today.”
> I simply said “Shame shame puppy shame.”
> Every one burst into laughter after listening this.
> Thank God, my little brain got some sense of humour and some presence.
> Kids these days are not kids they are monsters
> Q3         What are some inspirational short stories that can change a
> person's life?
> A3         Hafiz Suboor, Nov 17
> A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of
> marbles. The girl had some sweets with her.
> The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange of
> her sweets. The girl agreed.The boy kept the biggest and the most
> beautiful marble aside & gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all
> her sweets as she had promised.
> That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep as he
> kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had
> hidden his best marble.
> Moral of the story: If you don't give hundred percent in a relationship,
> you'll always keep doubting in any relationship.
> So give your hundred percent.
> Q4         What moment in your life left you speechless?
> A4         Shazaan Khan, Studied Master of Human Resource Management
> (MHRM) at Jamia Millia Islamia (Graduated 2018)3y
> During my graduation, 3rd year, I was appearing for a campus interview of
> one of the renowned companies in India. As it invariably goes, they began
> asking me to introduce myself. I stated everything I mugged up. In
> addition, I told them I’m very much fond of the topics pertaining to
> geo-politics and India. He looked into my eyes and smirked.
> Interviewer: So, you’re comfortable if I ask you questions related to
> geopolitics?
> Me: Yes, Sir.
> Interviewer: Outline the map of India.
> Me: I’m very bad at drawing, yet I will try my best.
> Interviewer: Draw as bad as you could, but make sure you outline the
> complete map of India.
> I managed to draw something like this.
> Interviewer: You think is this the complete map of India?
> Me: As far as I’m concerned.
> Interviewer: Giving you one more chance… think and draw once again.
> I outlined the map of Pakistan and Bangladesh adjoined with it, as they
> were erstwhile the part of India.
> Interviewer: Thank you Shazaan. You may leave now.
> Verdict: Not selected.
> After the process got over, I went to the interviewer to have the
> feedback.
> Me: You never asked me further-more questions, and rejected me on the
> basis of only 2 questions. May I know where I was wrong in outlining the
> map of India? What’s the reason you rejected me?
> Interviewer: Because you don’t believe that Andaman and Nicobar Island is
> the part of India.
> He left me speechless. Even today when I think about that very interview,
> I seem so dumb.
> Q5         Do you know a joke about a priest?
> A5         Jacky Heraty,11h
> Sister Mary is walking quietly through the convent when Sister Agnes
> looks at her, giggles and says “You got up on the wrong side of the bed
> this morning!” Sister Mary is confused, and carries on walking.
> Round the corner she meets Sister Theresa, who says exactly the same
> thing! As she carries on, several other nuns say the comment, too.
> Finally, she reaches the Chapel where the Mother Superior calls her over.
> “Oh, Mother Superior!” says Sister Mary. “You're not going to tell me I
> got out of the wrong side of the bed, are you?”
>  “Not at all,” answers the Mother Superior. “I was going to ask you why
> you're wearing Father Michael's slippers.”
> --
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