Hi, I am also trying to get theano to work with PyCharm. I switched from 3.5 to 
3.4 and have tried some of the things above but none seem to be working. I'm 
running into 2 errors:

nvcc : fatal error : Wrong syntax in file C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing 
Toolkit\CUDA\v5.5\bin/nvcc.profile: "2010"
ERROR (theano.sandbox.cuda): Failed to compile cuda_ndarray.cu: ('nvcc return 
status', 4294967295, 'for cmd', 'nvcc -shared -O3 -Xlinker /DEBUG -D HAVE_ROUND 
-m64 -Xcompiler 
-L"C:\Lasagne\WinPython\python-3.4.4.amd64" -o 
 mod.cu -lcublas -lpython34 -lcudart')

Interestingly this error showed up in Spyder and Pycharm but after adding this:

compiler-bindir = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin

which I found in another thread, CUDA worked in Spyder but stayed broken in 

And the second is that it is not recognizing the .theanorc file which I figured 
out trying to install it before and getting help with the author of the link 
below. I made that file and theano works with Spyder and the installation 
instructions found here:


I really prefer PyCharm but don't know where to put the settings or how to make 
it find .theanorc

Does anybody have any ideas please?

You got farther than I did cause mine won't work when it tries functions that 
use cuda.



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