So! I'm posting this (And I'm very sorry to all my SP readers because I know 
how bad you want chapter 10 to come up) because I recently finished Scream for 
me by The Last Flowerchild (Really worth a read) and couldn't help but think of 
(fictional) serial killers.
I'm a HUGE classical horror fan (Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, 
Halloween, Psycho, and the list goes on) and the idea of them all meeting each 
other just makes me jittery with excitement! So, with the idea from Scream for 
me, I couldn't help but write this.
Summary: Smothered by his mother's overbearing love, Jason Voorhees has never 
thought of running away until a group of teenagers show up at his campsite with 
fellow murderers stalking them.
I obviously own no one mentioned in this story, besides the OC's who are sucky 
and aren't three dimensional. I don't even own the places, though the deed to 
Camp Crystal Lake and a house on Elm Street would be real epic.
If you don't read my stories or people who do the same thing as I, this is for 
you. When there is a number next to a paragraph or sentence or something you 
can read a little snippet of information on it at the bottom of the page when 
you're done with the story or if you're just impatient you can scroll down and 
(This is going to be multi-chaptered)
To an outsider it might appear that the serial killer Jason Voorhees was 
staring off into nothing, being as blank and as dumb as he was stereotyped out 
to be. To anyone that knew him (Sadly for him no one alive did due to his 
killing or passing with time) they would see him chatting to his illusion of 
Pamela, his mother.
The word 'chatting' doesn't seem to be one that someone would use in the event 
of talking about him, but alas, once again, if you were to know that killer you 
would know he simply spoke through his thoughts.
And contrary to belief he loved his mother but honestly, he didn't like her.
She nagged him consistently for things at which he could improve at and still 
babied him like he has still that little boy who drowned.
He was a fully grown, almost seven feet tall man! He didn't need her smothering 
him with the affection only mothers' show their sons. To afraid to tell her off 
though, he let her continue the ritual that had been taking place for way to 
Pamela Voorhees was after all, a force to be reckoned with as any chaperone at 
Camp Crystal Lake would say.
"Jason, my sweet boy, there are some unwanted visitors coming in our little 
home and one of them is strong like you. I know that you'll handle him like you 
handled that child molester Kruger (1) though. Now off you go. Don't disappoint 
mommy now! And clean up your messes!"
The killer nodded and made his way off, trying to block is mind off from his 
mom so she couldn't hear him mocking her.
It proved unsuccessful when she screeched that they would have a talk 
afterwards and that she was very angry with him.
Picking up his already inhuman pace to get away from her, Jason started in the 
direction of the most likely drunk, or getting drunk, teens because they had to 
be one of the two or horny to want to go to his camp.
Michael Myers was stalking his niece, waiting patiently for the clock to strike 
midnight so he could send her head rolling onto the floor when he heard barely 
audible steps closing in from behind him.
It wasn't too often that he ran across someone as stealthy as he so it's no 
wonder curiosity was provoked.
Michael turned slowly to discover that a man breathing very heavily and 
carrying a stained machete was standing uncomfortably close to him.
The faces covered by masks had a silent stare off as each debated how to slice 
the other to pieces.
'God damn! Why the fuck should I be the one to kill this asshole. He looks like 
he's had a protein bar or two in his lifetime.'
'I was thinking the same about you buddy. How the fuck did you get that big? 
What are you, two, three inches from seven feet? What's your fat percentage? 
Zero? Cuz it looks like you're all muscle to me.'
Surprised by the fact the unknown man actually heard and replied to him, Jason 
was stunned for a moment.
'Er, something like that. It's been a long time since I've seen a doctor of any 
'Lucky. I've been stuck in a mental one too many times. So, why do you have to 
kill me?'
With the reminder Jason lifted his machete a little, still taken back by the 
first person he met that could hear his thoughts that wasn't his mother; he 
didn't lunge and stab like he would ordinarily do.
'Uhm, you're on my land.'
'I'll be off soon. I just want to kill me niece and be out of here.'
'Uh, no…? She walked onto my land so that validates her as mine to kill.'
'Uh, yes…? She was born before she walked onto your land so that validates her 
as my kill.'
'Hold up. You've wanted to kill her since she was a baby?'
Once more, Jason lowered his machete, feeling a very casual air amidst the two 
of them, which was a first time thing for the hockey mask wearing man, and 
leaned against a tree coincidently placed behind him.
'Uh, yeah.'
Michael followed suit and rested against a tree trunk as well, studying the 
bigger man in the corner of his eye with fascination.
'And she's a teenager now?'
'Uh, yeah?'
'And she's not dead?'
'You just failed as a murderer.'
'Are you saying you've never let one accidently slip out of your fingers?'
Jason shifted thinking back at all the people that got away which caused 
Michael to make a noise that Jason knew as laughter.
He made a mental note to shut his mind off from this stranger when he was done 
talking to him.
'See, you let people slip by. Why not follow them out of this piece of shit 
land though? Less people would get away.'
"He's gotten out before, ain't that right, bitch?"
Casual instantly left as a burnt man waved his clawed hand and approached the 
duo causing the hockey masked man to tighten his muscles and raise the weapon 
in his hand once more.
'Who're you?'
"Names Freddy Kruger. I plague the dreams of-"
Not wanting to listen to Freddy, Jason launched himself at the body, slicing 
the lower part of his stomach deeply which caused blood to quickly spurt out 
then slowly leek.
"You bitch! I'm not here to fight you dumb piece of shit!"
Confused with the outturn of events, Michael tried to interrupt them.
'You're the one who's been stalking the ugly brown haired boy right? You're 
really quiet.'
"That's because-"
Jason once more not wanting to hear him rant sliced blindly at the sweater 
covered chest.
"Stop it!"
'Get out of here. I won, you lost give it a god damned break already."
"It was a tie! And I told you that I'm not here to fight you retarded son of a 
bitch! I'm here as your equally retarded friend stated earlier, to kill that 
asshole over there!"
Freddy pointed a clawed hand at a faceless boy as he focused purely on the two 
large gashes.
'Technically I just met him and I don't plan on staying to long because I don't 
want him to do that to me.'
"Jason! Why are the teens still alive?"
Pamela appeared casually out of the trees with an angered face that was scaring 
the three successfully.
"Who is this? And is that Fredrick? You're not welcome here! Jason! Kill them! 
Kill them now Jason! They're trespassing on our home!"
Michael, slightly nervous after seeing the bigger one slash at the burnt 
conversation intruder, looked the fellow quiet killer in the eyes pleadingly.
If you can't tell already I really like Jason and Michael. Maybe Freddy little 
to none...
1) Freddy was going to be a child molester in the movies but due to a big 
scandal at the time they took out molester and made him just a killer instead. 
So I personally believe he's still one.

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