Okay so this is just the total randomness of me and my friend over text, and 
well I, we decided I guess to post it for no apparent reason… so yeah, it's me 
and my friend as I said but I won't tell our names so we'll go by pen names I 
guess… Don't want to read cause you'll think it'll be stupid don't read it that 
simple oh and don't review this is just for fun so don't take it seriously.
I might have tweaked it a bit so it doesn't just stop at Michael chasing us ok 
I'm shutting up now before I give it all away.
I only own me Acro, and my friend whom I shall nickname Blackmoon owns herself, 
duh I don't own her that you be queer seeing as we're both girls.
So yeah, read enjoy if ya don't sorry I wasted your time….
Acro woke to her phone vibrating… She peeked her green eyes open, hoping that 
Michael didn't hear…
No sound from his room, 'Must still be asleep,' she thought as she grabbed her 
phone, Message from Blackmoon.
Acro smiled Blackmoon and herself used to go to school together but Blackmoon 
goes to a different school now since Jason Voorhees "kidnapped" her. Though 
Blackmoon didn't mind in fact she loved Jason.
'Hey u up?' Blackmoon texted.
'Yea, u will get me in troble 1 of dees days' Acro texted back, it wasn't that 
she didn't want to text Blackmoon she just didn't want Michael to know she was 
texting with the outside world. Michael was "afraid" that if she communicated 
with the outside world she'd be taken away from him.
Acro didn't mind him being protective but possessive. That was where she drew 
the line.
Acro brushed her light brown hair out of her face and felt around for her 
glasses, 'ah there they are!' she thought placing the purple rectangular 
glasses on her face.
She blinked a few times and got up….
In a camp faraway Blackmoon cautiously watched between her phone and the giant 
man sleeping on the other side of the room.
Her phone went off and she quickly grabbed it, her long blonde hair (with dark 
streaks here and there) swished as she looked at the text.
She had to stifle a laugh, 'sorry but Jason's asleep an I bored.' she texted 
She pushed her hair back so she could see better, the place was dirty, seeing 
as it was in an abandoned camp, but she loved it, mostly the giant man 
sleeping. She let them believe he kidnapped her but really she followed him 
here and he just didn't kill her.
Back at the house where Acro was, she was sitting on her bed her knees brought 
to her chest, she played with the end of her light blue pajama pants, and 
looked at her ring finger, on it was a gold band with a tiny sapphire on it, 
she smiled, no one gave it to her, she found it on a bus, but she felt like it 
was special that was why she picked it up. It was an interesting tale, her 
phone vibrated, she waited and listened, still no sound from Michael.
'Weird,' she thought.
She looked at the text and smiled, "Blackmoon only you'd text it with love for 
the killer." She said suddenly a dirty thought popped up, 'Hey do u and Jase ya 
know share a bed?'
She texted, she got a reply right away, 'EW no! I stil hav some dignity'
'Just curious…'
'Do you and mike share?'
'Nope only when he comes back from his Halloween rampage…then he sleeps on da 
floor I will not share my bed'
'Gesh okay.'
'I'm getting hungry.'
'Well Acro use ur head and eat!'
'But Michael says only he can chose what I eat..'
'Oh r u gonna listen?'
'Well no, but I should get him up..'
'*smiles deviously* cn I help?' 
'Yep I'll get da sledgehammer wat he's a heavy sleeper'
': ) ill get the gong'
'Alright I'll get da fireworks'
'*nods* fire crackers?'
'Yep dis will be fun..' Acro got a sledgehammer she kept under her bed and a 
box of fire works she had been saving since she was "Kidnapped"
She heard the door open and shut downstairs, 'One its Blackmoon, Two Michael 
just left.' she thought frozen, 'No Michael always checks on me first.' She 
thought sadly, if it was Michael where was he going, but her door was opened a 
jar and Blackmoon's head appeared.
"Hey Acro." She said closing the door and joining Acro on her bed, she smiled 
deviously "This will be awesome." She said showing Acro her gong and fire 
Acro grinned, and got up, she motioned for Blackmoon to be quiet, and they 
tiptoed over to Michael's room.
Acro opened the door, Michael was asleep, mask and all she rolled her eyes.
They positioned everything, fire crackers around him, gong next to his head and 
sledge hammer posed over the bed (I'm not gonna hit him, I'm gonna hit the bed, 
unless Michael moves then I won't have control of where it goes) and a match 
ready to set of the mini fireworks.
"Ready?" Blackmoon whispered seeing as she was closer to Michael.
Acro nodded and whispered, "Yeah."
"Wait!" Blackmoon said, she placed a bunch of camera's in the room and set them 
on record, then she nodded.
"FIRE!" Acro swung down the sledge hammer just as Blackmoon sounded the gong.
Michael woke up and flipped out, he twisted around on the bed, making the fire 
crackers go off.
Acro leaned down and lit the fireworks, mini fireworks.
They went off making the room colorful, "Oooooh." Acro said looking at the 
colors. "Ahhhh!" Blackmoon said also looking at the colors she went and stood 
next to Acro at the foot of the bed.
Michael sat up and glared at the two girls. They looked at him, Blackmoon gave 
a sheepish laugh, and Acro gave a sheepish smile, "Hey Michael, your up, good 
I'm starving." She said holding her stomach, when Michael made no move to move 
Acro said "run.."
The two girls took off screaming as Michael chased them.
Blackmoon pulled Acro downstairs and was running around in circles, 
"Blackmoon!" She grabbed her shoulders, "Calm down! At least Michael doesn't 
have a knife."
"Sooner done then spoken." Blackmoon said looking behind her wide eyed.
Acro turned "Oh dear." Michael was there with a knife, "Time to go." She said, 
Acro dragged Blackmoon out of the house. But she stopped on the front porch.
Blackmoon ran into Acro, but quickly ran around her, she got to the sidewalk 
and turned around, Acro was staring at the ground like it was her death she had 
just witnessed.
"Acro, come on! Michael's coming." Acro looked up fear on her face, she shook 
her head "I can't I promised Michael I wouldn't leave the house." She turned 
around to face a breathing heavily Michael.
She gave Blackmoon a sad look over her shoulder, then faced Michael.
"I'm sorry Mikey, I, we shouldn't have done that." She didn't wait for him to 
respond in anyway, she hugged his waist, seeing as even though she was tall, 
she was no where near Michael's height.
"I'm really, really, honest to truth sorry." (What I say that don't judge me)
Blackmoon watched with an 'OoO' face.
Michael still made move to hug her back, but he looked down at her, and she 
looked up at him, slowly she placed her hand in his and took the knife out of 
his hands. He didn't stop her as she threw it into the overgrown grass.
Blackmoon walked away "Weirdest day ever…"
Kay yeah like I said made it for fun and I messed with it a bit… So yeah cause 
if I copied the text word for word, then well it would make no sense….yeah.
Reviews are welcomed…but no flames please…

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