> "> Grid & Legend
> > I'm intrigued by the grid and legend input and map 
> definitions.  Have 
> > you done something more refined than that generated with 
> the thconfig 
> > export command?
> What exactly would you like to receive? Here we have a lot of 
> things in the
> TODO list."
> Perhaps Ben can elaborate. 

Apologies for delayed answer - busy with the family!

At Hidden Earth (the British Cave Research Association's annual
conference here in UK), the survey output of Upper Flood received some
constructive criticism.  Specifically, the grid had no co-ordinates, and
the legend was too small.  So these .th2 files are an attempt to address
these criticisms.  Grid.th2 provides numeric Eastings and Northings
along the left and bottom of the map.  It works well.  Legend.th2 is a
failed attempt to provide a larger legend.  

The problem with the default legend is that it is scaled according to
the layout scale.  Upper Flood was printed on a large sheet of paper
(A1) with a Therion layout scale of 1:500.  All of the labels are
positioned for the 1:500 output, which also provides a reasonably fine
drawing pen and looks good electronically in PDF as one can zoom in for
the detail.  However, when printed, the Legend is very small.  What I
needed was a huge "Upper Flood" title and reasonable text size for the
North arrow, and the rest of the legend, so these things stood out even
when viewed from some distance.  

How can I override the default size of the legend?

- Ben

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