> > What I
> > needed was a huge "Upper Flood" title and reasonable text size for the
> > North arrow, and the rest of the legend, so these things
> > stood out even
> > when viewed from some distance.

The north-arrow macro is currently not easily customizable at all. You
have to add the following to the layout

code metapost
def s_northarrow_SKBB (expr rot) =
  T:=identity scaled 0.7 rotated -rot;
  thdraw (-.5cm,-1cm)--(0,1.5cm)--(.5cm,-1cm)--(0,-.5cm)--cycle;
  thfill (-.5cm,-1cm)--(0,1.5cm)--(0,-.5cm)--cycle;

with values .5cm, 1cm, 1.5cm replaced by larger values.


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