On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Bill Gee <bgee at campercaver.net> wrote:
> Lastly, as a feature enhancement - It would be nice to have a way to tell
> Therion to rotate scraps with "none" and "elevation" projections.  I have a
> number of sketches where the cave is drawn right-to-left but the cross
> sections and elevations are drawn up-and-down.  I get around this by making
> two copies of the sketch (or three in some cases!) each of which is rotated to
> present the relevant portion upright.  The flip command is not adequate since
> it does 180 degree rotations.  I need to do 90 degree rotations.


you can easily rotate (and re-scale) any cross-section using the red
calibration line (see http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php/tfc:332
for instructions how to display it) combined with setting the real
distance of calibration line ends in X and Y directions.

Elevations are automatically rotated according to positions of survey
stations contained in them.


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