I think Therion subtract the magnetic declination before to transfer data Survex. Now to compare better I have put magnetic declination to 0.

declination 0.00 degrees

Data transferred to Survex by the "data.svx" file
*data    normal    from    to    tape  compass    clino
    1    2    0.000000    269.423853    0.000000
    1    3    2.330000    236.223853    -11.400000
    3    4    4.510000    162.623853    -32.200000
    4    5    12.410000    0.923853    -77.700000
    5    6    1.950000    212.073853    -17.150000

You can see Therion do a wrong fore/back sight compass average calculation. The good data average are:

1     3    236.8     -11.4

3    4    163.2    -32

4    5    1.5        -77.7

5    6    212.65    -17.15

I think the problem is the average calculation formula in "thdb1d.cxx"

// check backwards compass reading
            if ((lei->data_type == TT_DATATYPE_NORMAL) ||
                (lei->data_type == TT_DATATYPE_DIVING) ||
                (lei->data_type == TT_DATATYPE_CYLPOLAR)) {
                if (!thisnan(lei->backbearing)) {
                if (thisnan(lei->bearing)) {
                  lei->backbearing -= 180.0;
                  if (lei->backbearing < 0)
                    lei->backbearing += 360.0;
                  lei->bearing = lei->backbearing;
                else {
                  lei->backbearing -= 180.0;
                  if (lei->backbearing < 0)
                    lei->backbearing += 360.0;
                                    // calculate average of two angles
                  //lei->bearing += lei->backbearing;
                  //lei->bearing = lei->bearing / 2.0;
                                    double sumx, sumy;
                                    sumx = cos((90.0 - lei->bearing)/180.0*THPI) + cos((90.0 - lei->backbearing)/180.0*THPI);                                     sumy = sin((90.0 - lei->bearing)/180.0*THPI) + sin((90.0 - lei->backbearing)/180.0*THPI);                                     lei->bearing = 90.0 - (atan2(sumy, sumx) / THPI * 180.0);
                  if (lei->bearing < 0.0)
                    lei->bearing += 360.0;

I think the formula is too complicated. I purpose a simpler formula, like:
            If bearing <=180
                      AverageBearing =  (bearing + (backbearing -180))/2
                      AverageBearing = (bearing + (backbearing +180))/2


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