> I am very pleased with the use and the outputs of Therion. 

> However, for the map views and/or elevation (projected or extended) views, it 
> always seems to me that there is a lack of a convenient way to add the 
> entrance(s) coordinates somewhere. It could be inside the header, or near the 
> given entrance on the drawing. 


Funny thing.  Someone just asked me about this sort of thing yesterday.  I 
don’t have a solution, but would like to encourage anyone who would like to 
make more metadata available to tex, so that people can add it to custom 
headers, maps or atlas’.  One similar thing that comes to mind is something 
Therion does not yet track as metadata, the locality or region that the cave is 
in.  I see in that recent Tragaero’ pdf Xavier has what I suspect might be a 
custom variable he sets in a layout (I’m guessing) and displays with a 
customisation of the standard header.  I might see if I can also do that, as 
there seems to be some interest locally.



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