Hello everyone -

Suggestions please!

As a Linux user I have never tried using Compass.  A week ago I discovered 
that Therion can create output files in Compass "PLT" format.  I created a 
file and sent it to a friend who is a big Compass user.  He reports that it 
will not import.

To test, I created a Windows computer in VirtualBox and then installed Compass 
(version on it.  I confirmed my friend's observation.  When I 
try to open the PLT file in the Compass viewer, it gives an error:

        "Invalid numeric input"

When I try to open the file in the Compass editor, it give a different error:

        "1916543.04 is not a valid integer value"

Looking at the PLT file with a Linux text editor shows no obvious problems.  
It appears to be a collection of GPS coordinates associated with survey 
stations.  It is not a large file - about 36K bytes, which seems a bit small 
for a cave with almost 800 survey stations and about 15,000 feet (4.5 km) of 

The line I used to generate the file is:

        export model -fmt compass -o BigCavernRanch.plt

I tried adding "-enable all -wall-source all" to the compile line, but it made 
no difference.  It did not even change the size of the file.

I am using Therion version 5.4.1 on 64-bit Fedora 28.

Bill Gee

Therion mailing list

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