On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 07:07:50PM +0000, Andrew Atkinson via Therion wrote:
> I've not had time to play with this, since Alistair showed me the problem
> on the weekend. The bit that I cannot get my head round is when 3d are
> imported with a coordinate system, if a th centreline then connects 2 parts
> of the survey from the 3d or an entrance coordinate is specified for the
> 3d, how does this change, or can it change the coordinates of the data from
> the 3d as the stations from this already has coordinates with little
> information about the connections  [I hope that makes sense]

Survex .3d files record the coordinate system the data is in, if one was
specified.  This was added in Survex 1.2.14 (released 2014-07-05).

But looking at the therion source code, it appears therion never makes
use of this information.  I suspect therion just hasn't been updated for
Survex gaining coordinate system support.

You can specify the coordinate system as an option to therion's import
command, so for now I guess that's what you have to do.

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