Is there a workflow that is easy to use with ‘TopoDROID to Therion’
process, that also allows more than one scrap per survey trip file?  With
limited experimentation (and making assumption that TopoDROID ‘sketches’
might be approximately equivalent to Therion ‘scraps’), I have not yet
found a way that is easy to implement and encourages a naming convention
that eases tracing of scraps to their parent TopoDROID file.  And breaking
existing scraps into smaller scraps is a task I find unnecessarily tedious,
when one could just have drawn smaller scraps in the first place.

Am I missing something obvious?  What are experienced Therion users who
subsequently became proficient with TopoDROID as a data collector doing in
this space?

topodroid has many features requested by users that probably use other
programs than therion to draft their
cave maps,

anyways, i use therion for my cave maps, and here is what i do.

(0) a note3 with a stylus: reasonable compromise between the size of the
android and that of the caves (lucky surveyors might go for a 7" tablet)
(1) enable only drawing tools that are supported by therion, otherwise i
must go for metapost code
(2) each topodroid survey can have many sketches, and i usually draw
several sketches, except for very simple surveys.
(3) switch off fractional 'extend"
(4) switch off loop closure compensation: better see potential blunders
(5) i usually use "normal" line style, and the decimation button to
simplify them (if need arises)
(6) pre-exporting: check every sketch with joining sketches using the
sketch outline feature, and make then fit nicely
(7) it may happen that a sketch needs to be splitted in two, but this is
rare as i'm used to draw small sketches.
i never user sketch merge
(8) i use automatic station points, even if, unfortunately,
topodroid puts in all the stations in the convex hull of the sketch, and
there can happen spurious ones. i do not remember if midline hide helps for
this, however, midline hide is something i use only when the midline is
very messy, i usually go over the station points and remove those that do
not belong to the piece of midline of the skatch: this is easily done with
a "good" text editor
(9) i usually do not use "line continuation", but i fix the gaps between
wall lines with point line editings (snap to point and merge with line). i
sometimes use the feature that shifts a portion of a line, but i find often
easier to redraw the line and erase the old one.
(10) i have the feeling that outline is no longer very important to therion
(it is however for csurvey, but this is ot on this list), thus i do not pay
much attention that wall lines are properly oriented. anyways when i notice
a line should be reversed i do it, as it's quick
(11) automatic export because it's a nuisance to export each sketch
(12) ... other things i do not recall at the moment

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