If a map export to pdf is attempted at too large a scale, we get the error;

Therion\therion.exe: error -- scrap scrap609@ defined at 1-BigEntrance.th2
[4135] is too large to process in metapost in this scale -- maximal scale
for this scrap is 1 : 336

This I am familiar with, and know how to deal with.  It is because the
maximum 'size' of a pdf output can be 5m x 5m or thereabouts.


If we try too small a scale, we get a similarly helpful error message.

Therion\therion.exe: error -- thconfig.thc [20] -- thconfig.thc [20] --
scale out of range -- 1 5000000000


Again, the error message is explicit and helpful.


If there is a scrap with no stations, then the error message is;

Therion\therion.exe: error -- Map is too large for PDF format. Try smaller


To save the user searching for a scale that works it would be helpful to
change this error message to "scrap has no point stations defined - cannot
be scaled".



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