... maybe it would be a very good idea to write a subchapter into the thbook 
user symbol chapter?
That contains all those pitfalls for metapost-th-symbols novices like me

> Am 27.02.2020 um 09:56 schrieb Benedikt Hallinger <b...@hallinger.org>:
> Good morning, and thank you for your comments!
> Honestly, i have no clue what this all does, i just managed to copy paste 
> until it magically startet to work :)
> If you want to upload it to the wiki, im honored and please modify to your 
> wills, especially to make it not break anything existing. Would be nice if 
> you could drop me a line if its ready :)
> (I fear fiddling around with it, as it already took me about five hours to 
> get this and i don’t want to break it again)
> My intention for the usage was in bigger cave systems to show the adjacent 
> survey names (with preview below/above) so one can more easily navigate in 
> the data and see where to look next.
> Btw, i found out that „symbol-hide point u:mysymbol“ does not seem to 
> recognize the symbol subtype and thus cannot hide it. Is this normal or am i 
> doing something wrong?
>> Am 27.02.2020 um 09:02 schrieb Tarquin Wilton-Jones via Therion 
>> <therion@speleo.sk>:
>> Nice one :)
>> All simple enough to understand (I might put it on the wiki with some
>> explanatory comments).
>>> thelabel(txt, pos); 
>> I notice in the main Therion Metapost, it uses
>> lab:=thelabel@#(txt, pos);
>> to make sure that it can respect alignment, which your code cannot.
>> Don't suppose you worked out how to pass the correct alignment value to
>> it, did you?
>>> interim bboxmargin:=6.5bp;    % padding border->text
>> Just checking, since I don't know the "interim" keyword very well ...
>> Doesn't it need to be inside a "begingroup/endgroup" pair, in order to
>> know when to stop applying the "interim" value to the internal
>> bboxmargin variable?
>> As far as I can tell, you are modifying the global value of it, so all
>> subsequent uses of that internal variable will end up with your padding.
>> At least until the next "endgroup" happens somewhere above your code in
>> the stack.
>> (You are also trampling on any existing variables called lab, q or txt,
>> but this is normal for Therion's code for some reason. Personally, I
>> have started wrapping all of my symbol code in a group whenever it uses
>> variables, and then I save them in order to make a macro equivalent to a
>> "local" variable. This was needed in one case because I reused some
>> variable name with a different datatype, and caused Metapost to get upset.)
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