Hi Stacho,

I want this attribute to specific to the shots.
I don't need this to passage walls and scraps, and other points, lines o areas. I only need for the line survey.  If you put the attribute to the shots, and export this in a 3D Shape, for me it's OK. But I need an efficient mechanism to flag many shots together like the "flag" command:

           A0            A1      5.70   190.0      -5.0
           A1            A2     10.60   256.0     -15.0
           A2            A3      7.30   262.0      14.0
flags waterflow
           A3            A4      7.30 264.0      -2.0
           A4            A5     17.20   240.0       3.0
           A5            A6     15.70   258.0       4.0
flags not waterflow
           A6            A7      9.80 257.0      -1.0

I want to visualize which shots are active or not in plant and profiles.



El 24/02/2021 a las 20:33, Stacho Mudrak escribió:
Hi Evaristo,

this is quite a complex thing you are asking for. Would you like this attribute to be specific to the station? If you have passage walls from scraps, how should they be colored? Should waterflow line/point be taken into consideration?

In fact, for this purpose, we have added some time ago generic attributes to therion, that user can insert almost to any object including survey stations. I am just afraid, it is not documented well :/

If you specify:

station 4 "station comment" attr waterflow permanent
station 10 "" attr waterflow intermittent

and export database or model in shapefile format. You will have attribute waterflow defined for stations 4 - permanent (string) and 10 - intermittent. You may also use numbers to simplify processing.

If you would like to visualize these attributes, you may do it in almost any GIS package - they should support shapefile format. May be we will add GIS features to loch some day, unfortunately, it is not very simple task.


On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 22:00, Evaristo Quiroga Raimundez <espe...@evaristoquiroga.com <mailto:espe...@evaristoquiroga.com>> wrote:


    I have a request to the Therion and Survex  programmers.

    I need two news flags in the Therion and Survex language: "waterflow"
    and "intermittent waterflow".

    And the implementaion in Loch and Aven to can visualize the active
    galleries with a diferent color (for example blue) from the rest
    of the


    Evaristo Quiroga.

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