Not directly a Therion question.

I've been loosely following the progress of a couple of years, but only
recently started migrating some projects of my own to git.


So thought I'd dispense with just admiring the outputs and fork the migovec
repository to do a deep dive learn from the apparent masters.

The is exemplary, but the section on 'How to contribute' seems to
be missing a most important thing - how do contributors interact with other
contributors and the repository?  The lack of issues and forks that similar
sized GitHub projects have suggests I'm missing something obvious.  I know
Therion pretty well, passible on version control but only just cutting my
teeth on git and GitHub.


I found a simple problem in some thconfigs that causes Therion to crash and
exit, and located the cause in the history.  I could potentially fix it,
make a pull request, but as I have only studied the migovec structure for
literally 10 minutes, any 'fix' I work on will take me a while and be bound
to be error prone.  Better for me just to point out the problem.


Anyone here know how the iccaving migovec Therion team communicates or would
one of them on this list be able to PM me?



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