Hey, I work on this repository. Thank you for your kind words.

We use github as a convenient means to collaborate amongst ourselves and
host data but I guess we differ from an open source software project in
that there's not much point in accepting outside contribution as only
people who attend our expedition are generally interested in drawing our

We generally collaborate by running a meeting via voice chat and drawing
survey as a social activity, emulating how we drew before Therion.

Theoretically we could use pull requests and issues to work on our data but
as we are normally talking to eachother as we draw it is just easier to
push what each person does sequentially to master, relying on git to avoid
messing anything up.

Also most of our contributors are science students and while they have a
familiarity with git they normally haven't really used it for collaboration
in the same way someone working in software would.

As for the broken thconfigs the answer is similar, that the current drawers
know which ones work and it's a bit fluid so we haven't bothered
documenting it.

Half the reason it exists in it's current format is that I do work in
software so I tend to maintain all the extraneous git cruft as my armchair
caving while other people focus on the _actual_ work of drawing stuff šŸ˜

If you do have any questions about it feel free to email me or Imperial


On Sun, 19 Dec 2021, 11:38 Benedikt Hallinger, <b...@hallinger.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> no specific info on the exact project, but generally you could open a
> issue ticket there and ask your very question. Each project may have its
> own rules.
> But most commonly it works this way:
> - you clone the repo at github (so its public)
> - you make a new branch and do your stuff
> - you then open a pull request against the upstream repo
> - someone there inspects it and if it is accepted, will merge
> - done
> Am 19.12.2021 um 00:43 schrieb Bruce Mutton <br...@tomo.co.nz>:
> ļ»æ
> Not directly a Therion question.
> Iā€™ve been loosely following the progress of
> https://github.com/iccaving/migovec-survey-data a couple of years, but
> only recently started migrating some projects of my own to git.
> So thought Iā€™d dispense with just admiring the outputs and fork the
> migovec repository to do a deep dive learn from the apparent mastersā€¦
> The REDME.md is exemplary, but the section on ā€˜How to contributeā€™ seems to
> be missing a most important thing ā€“ how do contributors interact with other
> contributors and the repository?  The lack of issues and forks that similar
> sized GitHub projects have suggests Iā€™m missing something obvious.  I know
> Therion pretty well, passible on version control but only just cutting my
> teeth on git and GitHub.
> I found a simple problem in some thconfigs that causes Therion to crash
> and exit, and located the cause in the history.  I could potentially fix
> it, make a pull request, but as I have only studied the migovec structure
> for literally 10 minutes, any ā€˜fixā€™ I work on will take me a while and be
> bound to be error prone.  Better for me just to point out the problem.
> Anyone here know how the iccaving migovec Therion team communicates or
> would one of them on this list be able to PM me?
> Bruce
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