I have a problem generating the KML file of the sketch of one of the
cavities in my system.
Xtherion does not calculate the coordinates of the sketch and places it
incorrectly in Google Earth.
What do I have to do to force Xtherion to correctly calculate the sketch
coordinates in KML?
Detail of a piece of the KML file of the incorrect sketch:
  nan,nan,0.00000000000000 nan,nan,0.00000000000000 nan,nan,0.00000000000000
nan,nan,0.00000000000000 nan,nan,0.00000000000000
nan,nan,0.00000000000000 nan,nan,0.00000000000000
nan,nan,0.00000000000000 nan,nan,0.00000000000000  ...</coordinates>
On the other hand, if it generates the traverse KML correctly, Detail of a
piece of the correct traverse KML file:



Thank you very much for your help

Brauli Torres Milla
GEB -Grup d'Espeleologia de Badalona
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