Hello everyone -

This is probably more of a general practices question than something specific to Therion. Among the group there is likely to be some experience with this. I hope at minimum someone can guide me to a place for further learning.

A few years ago Apple released a very high-end smartphone which has a LIDAR feature (iPhone 12 Pro). There are a few more models now which have it. I have heard of some people using this to create cave maps. There is much I do not understand.

Has anyone in the group taken the point cloud from an Apple LIDAR scan and turned it into a Therion cave map? If so, I am very interested in the details of the process.

The biggest issue I see is this: How does the iPhone know where it is? There is no GPS in a cave. GPS is not accurate enough even if it did work. Inertial navigation also has big problems dealing with a cave environment.

There are many other issues, but I think that is the big one.


Bill Gee
Therion mailing list

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