Hi Simon

Ideally the boolean column should do the job. It depends on how recent  
your version of Thinking Sphinx is though... I only made the changes  
for attribute-updating two weeks ago.

All you'll need to do is have the boolean column as an attribute:
   has locked

And then filter on that when you're making your search queries:
   Model.search "words", :with => {:locked => false}

If you did want to go down the delta path though and want to keep the  
tasks asynchronous, there is the Delayed Job approach, and Workling  
(written by Dan) - search around on the list for info on the latter.


On 16/05/2009, at 3:05 AM, Simon wrote:

> Hi Pat,
> I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean.  I have a boolean
> (tinyint(1)) column in my DB, and I could use this to indicate the
> locked entry.  I have added it to my define_index block using 'has
> column'.  I then tried adding a condition to both my where clause in
> the define_index block, and also within the conditions hash on my
> actual search call, but nether seem to behave as you have indicated.
> If the boolean value is updated, the search results do not change.
> Have I misunderstood what you meant?
> I think I could also achieve what I need using Dan's suggestion, but
> if I could avoid the overhead caused by the delta indexing altogether,
> that seems like a more desireable outcome.  If I do end up using the
> delta indexing, is there a way to make it an asynchronous task, so
> that it does not block on the UI rendering?
> Thanks again,
> Simon
> On May 14, 8:52 pm, Pat Allan <p...@freelancing-gods.com> wrote:
>> Hi Simon
>> If a locked entry is indicated by a boolean attribute in the index,
>> then you shouldn't even need delta indexes. Thinking Sphinx now
>> updates attributes on the fly, given the following:
>> * The attribute is an integer, timestamp or boolean
>> * The attribute is generated from a straight database column - not a
>> manual SQL stirng
>> If your locking is a bit complex though, then Dan's suggestion  
>> about a
>> custom delta indexer is probably the better solution.
>> Cheers
>> --
>> Pat
>> On 14/05/2009, at 5:41 AM, Simon wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a situation where I have lots of users concurrently creating/
>>> updating entries that I have indexed.  I think I can get away with
>>> just running ts:index once an hour or so to get relatively up to  
>>> date
>>> results.  My issue is that users also have the option to lock  
>>> entries,
>>> at which point they should not be returned by search results.  If I
>>> have delta indexing enabled, this works perfectly, however it also
>>> really impacts the overall system performance, since the delta
>>> indexing is also triggered for any other new/modify operation.
>>> What I would like to do is to be able to only trigger a delta index
>>> when an entry is locked, and not when any other create/modify
>>> operation is done.  Is there a way to achieve this?  The only other
>>> option I can think of is to trigger a full index task when an  
>>> entry is
>>> locked, in addition to what I have scheduled in a cron job.
>>> I have also noticed that the UI hangs when an entry is created/
>>> modified, as the delta indexing is being done.  Is there a way to  
>>> push
>>> this to a background or asynchronous process so that it doesn't
>>> interfere with the UI rendering?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Simon
> >

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