tir, 21 02 2006 kl. 13:37 +0100, skrev Benedikt Meurer:
> I haven't checked the script, as I don't have much spare time ATM, but
> support for ~/.Trash/ could be added to Thunar as well. That's pretty
> easy. Implementing the trash-spec is way harder.
> So if people are happy with ~/.Trash/, I can add that to Thunar for Xfce
> 4.4.

That would be cool; better than my script and certainly better than no
trash at all.

A good implementation would use ./.Trash-$USER/ in the partition root
for files not on the same partition as an users home folder (at least
for files on removable media), and show files from all partitions
trashes in the same Trash-view. Nautilus seems to do that.

> Benedikt


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