On Tue, Dec 26, 2006 at 01:49:23PM -0500, Gregoire Gentil wrote:
> Benny,
> There are a couple of strange behaviors with the trash that I would like
> to report:
> - Double-clicking on an item in the trash folder launches the associated
> application but nothing happens - I tried with an OpenOffice file. I
> think that double-clicking on an item in the trash should trigger the
> properties dialog box. It's what Windows does and I think that it makes
> some sense. For sure, you don't want to open the file.

Right, that's awkward.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  For
- open a text file with Leafpad and it works, open it with GVIM and it 
  doesn't work.
- open an image with display and it works, open an image with GIMP and
  it doesn't work, however GIMP is more verbose and print this out:
  " Impossible d'ouvrir « /home/mike/trash:///0-jitcrunch.jpg » en
    lecture : Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type " (sorry for the

IMHO it should not open the property box by default :/

> - A space in the path of an item in the trash appears encoded (%20) in
> the address bar. I know that it's a url (trash:///) but can't we decode
> it? It would be nicer.

Sure it would look better.  The real problem is that there is no good
implentation at how to show the trash:// URI and nobody came with a good
solution IIRC.  Dig the mailing-list if you have time.

> Otherwise, the trash works really great! Cool implementation. Thanks to
> keep us posted,
> Gregoire

Merry Xmas,
 http://massonnet.org/ Mike <m8t> Massonnet               _
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