Gregoire Gentil wrote:
>> Right, that's awkward.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  For
>> instace:
>> - open a text file with Leafpad and it works, open it with 
>> GVIM and it 
>>   doesn't work.
>> - open an image with display and it works, open an image with GIMP and
>>   it doesn't work, however GIMP is more verbose and print this out:
>>   " Impossible d'ouvrir ??/home/mike/trash:///0-jitcrunch.jpg?? en
>>     lecture?: Aucun fichier ou r?pertoire de ce type " (sorry for the
>>     french).
> I think that the message is very clear. The path is wrong: it should be
> /home/mike/.local/trash/jitcrunch.jpg but I see how it's not easy to do
> this because you have to translate the path and get the original one
> from the metadata. I will take a look at the code. It's another reason
> what I suggest to bring up the property box.
>> IMHO it should not open the property box by default :/
> It's probably a religious question :-)
> Benny, what's your view on this question?

It's a technical problem: Some applications claim to be able to open
files by their URIs, so Thunar will pass these applications the URI of
the trashed file. Now, there are two problems:

1. GNOME doesn't support the trash spec at all, and so GNOME
applications (-> applications using gnome-vfs) will never be able to
open trashed files by their URIs.

2. KDE supports the trash spec, but may generate different trash-ids
than Thunar. But since Thunar does only support the home trash right
now, and KDE also uses 0 to refer to the home trash, this is not an
issue right now.

The second issue is a general problem with the trash spec. The first one
is a result of the mess of gnome-vfs and Nautilus, which is unlikely to
be fixed very soon.

> Gregoire

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