On 1/19/07, Gauvain Pocentek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Benny,
> The configure.in file of thunar-volman says "All rights reserved." which
> doesn't allow to redistribute it,

That's actually not true at all, despite the persistent belief to the
contrary*. I recognize the troubles of not having the license
included, and can see why that might make downstream unhappy, however.
You could certainly just add the LGPL text to the Ubuntu package for
now, until Benedikt adds it.


* God, do you actually care? Alright then. "All Rights Reserved" is an
artifact of the Buenos Aires Copyright Convention of 1910. It means
you claim the copyright. Which of course you HAVE to do before you can
then LICENSE the rights, for example under the LGPL, so in that sense
"All Rights Reserved" would be -required- for an LGPL work that was
created in any country under the Buenos Aires Copyright Convention.
Except, there are no countries under the Convention anymore. So it's
pretty much a waste of a few bytes, and should be instead replaced
with "Copyright (c) Author Name" (as per the Universal Copyright
Convention). Even that is unnecessary if your country is under Berne
Copyright Convention which says -everything- is copyrighted unless you
explicitly divest those rights. Which you wouldn't want to do, in this
case, because that would put the application under public domain, not
the [L]GPL. *Whew*

 and the
> thunar-volman/xfce-{heading,titled-dialog}.[ch] files are licensed under
> LGPL, but the full text of the LGPL isn't provided in the tarball. The
> ubuntu package I've made has been rejected by our ftp-master because of
> this.
> Would you agree to provide the LGPL full text, and maybe change the
> configure.in license?
> Thanks,
> Gauvain
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