Erik Harrison wrote:
> * God, do you actually care? Alright then. "All Rights Reserved" is an
> artifact of the Buenos Aires Copyright Convention of 1910. It means
> you claim the copyright. Which of course you HAVE to do before you can
> then LICENSE the rights, for example under the LGPL, so in that sense
> "All Rights Reserved" would be -required- for an LGPL work that was
> created in any country under the Buenos Aires Copyright Convention.
> Except, there are no countries under the Convention anymore. So it's
> pretty much a waste of a few bytes, and should be instead replaced
> with "Copyright (c) Author Name" (as per the Universal Copyright
> Convention). Even that is unnecessary if your country is under Berne
> Copyright Convention which says -everything- is copyrighted unless you
> explicitly divest those rights. Which you wouldn't want to do, in this
> case, because that would put the application under public domain, not
> the [L]GPL. *Whew*

hah, w00t, I've always wanted such a source of useless knowledge. Do you need a 
job? I 
could use someone like you to play in my Dilbert-based sitcom series, or work 
with my 
managers to get them to take their stupid business plans back, or ... or ... !


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