#3163: DboOracle should support stored procedures
    Reporter:  daniel.asanome                                    |         
Owner:  phishy
        Type:  Enhancement                                       |        
Status:  new   
    Priority:  Medium                                            |     
   Component:  Oracle                                            |       
    Severity:  Normal                                            |    
    Keywords:  oracle stored procedure sp daniel.asanome phishy  |   
Php_version:  n/a   
Cake_version:                                                    |  
Comment (by falberto):

 Hi man,
 How I'm install this library? I add in folder but, don't work.

 Replying to [comment:7 daniel.asanome]:
 > Hi Emnu.[[BR]]
 > [[BR]]
 > I just saw your post.[[BR]]
 > Its a good way to use it. To tell the truth its easier then my
 > But i also have to say that was just a fast and not pratic solution for
 a problem.[[BR]]
 > [[BR]]
 > But I have some good news. I just made a new driver. That's return a the
 same way that a find() returns.[[BR]]
 > When you see it you can think that isnt easier than the first. But its
 alot easier to use when you need to develop a medium to large application
 (that is my case). Because you dont need to always make a entire
 > Here is an example of a call in a controller.[[BR]]
 > [[BR]]
 > {{{
 > //execSp('Owner.Pack_name.sp', 'in_parameters');
 > $spReturn = $this->ModelName->execSp('Owner.PACK_NAME.stp_S_findname',
 array ('Daniel', 'Asanome'));
 > }}}
 > [[BR]]
 > Its will return.[[BR]]
 > [[BR]]
 > {{{
 > array(1) {
 >   ["rs_cursor"]=>
 >   array(1) {
 >     [0]=>
 >     array(5) {
 >       ["id"]=>
 >       string(1) "1"
 >       ["firstname"]=>
 >       string(6) "Daniel"
 >       ["middlename"]=>
 >       string(5) "Rocha"
 >       ["lastname"]=>
 >       string(7) "Asanome"
 >       ["email"]=>
 >       string(27) "daniel.asan...@abcde.com.br"
 >     }
 >   }
 > }
 > }}}
 > [[BR]]
 > And the better part of it that I think its you dont need to modify the
 actual Oracle's driver, you just need to add my driver to the directory
 'cake/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo' and make another directory to store
 yours packages.[[BR]]
 > [[BR]]
 > Well i think that its all.[[BR]]
 > Any problems you can see the code comments or just reply.[[BR]]
 > [[BR]]
 > Thanks.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/3163#comment:9>
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