I did something wrong. I tried this as I have a large tiddler that I
broke down.

I ended up doing this
!![[Warships|USN Warship Hull Codes]]
<<tiddler [[USN Warship Hull Codes]]>>
so I could bring up the tiddler to edit it.

I copied the lines:
!!!$1 @@font-size:80%;(<<editTiddler [[$1]]>>)@@
<<tiddler [[$1]]>>
And named the tiddler ShowSection

but the resulting tiddler renders
$1 (error in macro <<editTiddler>>)

I then added the systemConfig tag, refreshed and got a "Syntax error:
missing ; before statement".

I'm not a programmer. I first tried programming with Turbo Pascal 15
years ago, then C++ a year later in school, but it didn't take.

Ken said "Just put <<editTiddler TiddlerName linktext>> in the other
tiddlers. "
Would I put this in the parts that I am amalgamating in another

I'm using TW 2.5.2 in Sea Monkey 1.1.16

On Jul 26, 1:31 pm, Eric Shulman <elsdes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I thinkhttp://tiddlytools.com/#EditTiddlerPluginwill do what you
> > want if used in conjunction with <<tiddler tiddlerTitle>>.
> ... and, to make the usage easier to apply, you can define a separate
> tiddler containing the combined syntax and then apply a 'substitution
> parameter' in the tiddler macro to insert the desired TiddlerName.
> First, create a tiddler (e.g., [[ShowSection]]) containing something
> like this:
> ----------------
> !!!$1 @@font-size:80%;(<<editTiddler [[$1]]>>)@@
> <<tiddler [[$1]]>>
> ----------------
> Then, to use it in another tiddler, just embed the following:
>    <<tiddler ShowSection with: TiddlerName>>
> enjoy,
> -e
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