> > I don't run Safari, so I may be all wet on this, but I think Safari is
> > one of several browsers that saves files via a Java applet. The applet
> > might even be providing the file picker box, in which case you've hit
> > a limit in the java interface.

Actually, the problem is that Safari does not have *any* native built-
in file I/O functionality... which is why the TiddlySaver.jar applet
was written: it provides basic file I/O functions in Java that can be
invoked from JavaScript code.

However, TiddlySaver.jar current does not include a 'file picker'
interface. Thus, when using Safari, the SaveAsPlugin (and other
plugins that use a 'file picker') falls back to using a simple prompt
() function to ask for the desired path/file.

It should be possible to add an askFile() function to the applet, but
I don't write Java code, so I can't do it myself.  The function params
would be:
   msg - is a text message to display in the dialog box
   path - is the initial filesystem path
   file - is the default filename
   mustExist - if FALSE, you can enter any filename you want (i.e.,
for SaveAs).  If TRUE, you can only pick from existing files.

I posted a ticket quite a while ago that suggested the above function
be added to the TiddlySaver.jar:
but it keeps getting pushed back to a later release.  Currently it is
marked for *possible* inclusion in TW2.6, for which a release date has
not yet been scheduled.

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