
I don't have the vocabulary needed to express how awesome Flatpack is!
A surreal CSSCornucopiaTW
You get the impression that everything can be changed with a few
clicks and in almost any individual direction possible... - but still
the overview is clean and intuitive - VERY WELL DONE Morris. I like it
a lot!

A few subjective requests:
To "complete the circle" it might be a good idea to replace the "Home-
button" in the TopMenu/menu-ver with a "TotalReset -  tooltip: reset
to last saved layout without loosing other changes" - sth I miss a
little is an "undo" or "go back" "go forward" button - However a
dedicated LayoutHistory might be an overkill for this ....
I miss options for pale/white viewerbackgrounds with black text -

Some typical noprogrammer nonsense and castles in the air:
A fun project might be to reconstruct a standard empty TW with your
FlatPack - or maybe even be able to load the necessary tiddlers and
layout in one go from FlatPack into an empty document using
SwitchBoard on demand... (a revolutionary way of changing layout... -
However FlatPack is already very innovative, radical (still intuitive)
and revolutionary at the same time)..

A few problems:
Google Chrome shows dom errors in different situations
* When opening the page -
* Clicking Home in the Topmenu
* Opening the toggleTiddlersBarMG - tiddler

Internet Explorer can't handle different layouts for the TopMenu
(except for plain grey (the same "2D" grey for the first 3
TopMenustyles ) - and the camouflage style..)
Otherwise it seems to work - even the treeviewtiddlertree renders

Great application - I will recommend it to everybody - even newbies -
because of the simple, intuitive and very elegant userinterface.

I have put three flashvideos in your Dropbox showing how I see and
navigate Flatpack in FireFox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer

Thanks for letting me have this sneak peek - It has been a joyfull and
sensational experience and I remembered the feeling I had the first
time I discovered TiddlyWiki - Thanks Morris

YS Måns Mårtensson

On 10 Nov., 10:17, Morris Gray <> wrote:
> Hi Måns
> I have sent you an invitation to join the Dropbox beta sharing folder
> as Chief Beta Tester.
> Morris
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