On Friday, November 29, 2019 at 12:45:17 PM UTC+1, Jed Carty wrote:

> Running a ArangoDB for hosting peoples tiddlywiki like tiddlyspot would 
> probably work well, I am less certain about local installations.

You are on the point. I do have similar concerns about every database ... 
They store the info in "hidden" places. I think our users want files, 
somewhere in the workflow. 

That's why I'm so interested in the peer-to-peer approach of the 
dat-project. I think the "file-system" they use has a lot of functions 
built in, that we want to have for TW. _and_ at the end the binary 
data-store can be mapped to real files. 

What's the videos. All of them and you will see, what I mean. 


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