I'm pretty sure the the settings were saved. I had already set up a wiki 
dir and generated a list, and  probably closed down/re-opened Bob more than 
once, because I was making comparisons with TS. I can only say, try using 
the manual settings and insert something the system wouldn't know how to 
process. I think what I did the first time is to try to emulate the __path 
structure of the previous wikis.

Anyway, the "create wikis" tabs is frightening to anyone adding a wiki -- 
the LAST thing I want to do is to accidentally OVERWRITE an existing wiki.


On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 3:57:18 PM UTC-8, Jed Carty wrote:
> That is useful to hear.
> The settings weren't resetting themselves, they weren't saved. you have to 
> click the save settings button or they don't get saved back to the server 
> when you are using the manual settings. There isn't much spelled out there 
> because there isn't much reason to use it and I was hoping that reading the 
> documentation would point people in the right direction.
> To add wikis you use the first tab under the bob settings in the control 
> panel called 'Manage Wikis', then there is a tab called 'create wikis', 
> then select 'a node wiki' and there is an interface to add them.
> So, what documentation could I add that would have brought you to the 
> 'manage wikis' tab instead of the manual settings tab to add a wiki?

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