
I use both TiddlyServer and Bob. Many have documented the key differences 
below. I would add the following;

[image: 2019-12-12_9-51-13.jpg] <about:invalid#zClosurez>
   - Once configured TiddlyServer provides a way to map a folder then just 
   include your wikis under that folder be they single file or node installs.
   - This allows me to have wikis that create wikis and I save them in a 
   folder and they are then available by simply browsing
   - See the image

Bob (I use the EXE form)

   - To me the key value of Bob is the multi-access/multi-user function. 
   Bob is the best place for me to have critical wikis that opening in a 
   different tab or browser will not result in accidental overwrites. 
   - The recent Bob File Saver plugin that allows single file wikis to be 
   saved after installing bob.exe is potentially the the most effective way to 
   solve the tiddlywiki save issues for new users.

Using both

   - I have added additional IP Addresses to my computer on the HOME LAN, I 
   set both TiddlyServer and Bob to use these rather than localhost or the 
   default IP Address this stops competition for addresses or port numbers.
   - I make both available on my Home network, when elsewhere the custom IP 
   Addresses are invalid.
   - At any point I can move the dedicated IP address to another device on 
   my lan to be a host.
   - The exception is the Bob File Saver Plugin which is on local host and 
   a special port.


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