Hi TwWizards

Here are a few raving ideas (nevertheless  ontopic I hope)

Saq, the NavGroupsPlugin is *very* interesting indeed!
One thing that I would like to change is the position of the next
forward buttons..
Now they jump up or down depending on the tiddlerheight.
If they were positioned at the top - it would be more practical/

The dragging and dropping of tiddlertitles is *great*!! - I didn't
know I was missing such a tool when editing lists that are manually
input in tiddlers. I believe it's DomDragLib that delivers the magic?

Approach 1: NGCP using/editing a predefined list of tiddlers:
If NavGroupsControlPanel could load a list ("storylistTiddler"
http://www.tiddlytools.com/#StorySaverPlugin) and you could use the
drag'nDrop editing capabilities to change the order in which the
NavGroupsPlugin would show the tiddlers inline.. - that would be

Approach 2: Modifying Erics faqViewer to be used in a similar way:
For now I'm using Eric's faqViewer but it fetches tiddlers based on
tags and doesn't allow you to use a list of tiddlers, (It does let you
set the "startTiddler" - and I wonder if you could make a full list of
StartTiddlers to obtain the same effect as NavGroupsPlugin uses when
specifying all tiddlers in a presentation: <<navigator
tiddlers:"TestPage1 TestPage2 TestPage3 TestPage4">> converted to
faqViewer: <<faqViewer startwith:"TestPage1 TestPage2 TestPage3
TestPage4" "optional tag?" 'viewer scrollbars' -title>> ) faqViewer
also has the navbuttons at the bottom... -

Approach 3: Request for a new "StoryPresenterPlugin"
However in this context I think a new "StoryViewer/StoryPresenter"-
plugin which could be a combination of faqViewer toolbars (preferably
with navbuttons at the top) and the ability to load Story from a
Storylist - could be justified...

Castles in the air: Drag'nDrop in lists from a dropdownmenu..
If DomDragLib could be revived/implemented in the plugin - it would be
awesome to be able to rearrange the "slides" directly in a dropdown,
showing the tiddlers from the StoryList....
I don't know how DomDragLib works - but if it "writes" a new list
anyway - it might write the new order of tiddlers in the StoryList
back to the Storylist?? - If it is at all possible to edit a list of
tiddlers from a dropdown using DomDragLib - that is..

YS Måns Mårtensson

On 16 Nov., 04:07, lewcid <lew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This should do what you want, though I have to be fair in that I wrote
> it in 2006 and haven't tested it with newer TiddlyWiki releases 
> since:http://lewcid.googlepages.com/NavGroupsDemo5.html#NavigatorTest%20nav...
> Cheers,
> Saq
> PS: If I recall correctly I wrote this for the user guides for
> TiddlySnip:http://tiddlysnip.com/#ConfigurationGuide
> On Nov 6, 7:53 pm, leeand00 <leean...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was wondering if there was a plugin for presenting individual
> > tiddlers in a next/previous manner almost like in powerpoint.
> > Thank you,
> >    Andrew J. Leer
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