@ Mark S
This seems like a nice step in the right direction.
I see that the filter is searching for each search term and appending all 
results for each term to a list.

Would it be possible to select only the tiddlers that are mentioned twice (or 
as much as there are search terms) ? I tried but didn’t succeed.

Very clever thinking. Nice trick! And thanks for the test setup.

Yes I do want the exact search term. But the problem is when using multiple 
search terms.

When using your setup. If I search for term-1 AND term-14 I want the result to 
be tiddler C (having both term-1 AND term-14).

I don’t want the result to be the tiddlers that have term-1 OR term-14 OR both.

@all helping out
//I will take a look at the list field again and see if I can change it to 
something else. // Everybody happy!

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