Hi Alex,

That's definetly some good points there...

1) As for where tiddlers are opened... I have yet to learn/ understand
what determines that. As for me, I would prefer to see elements always
open either before or after. Anyone knows how that's done?

2) I like your navigation idea... however that kind of only works, if
you're not having multiple choices in either direction, right? Then
you'd need to show a popup to select the one you actually want to go
to. But that's possibly a neat use of keybindings... though
independent of my implementation.

That might be a cute little plugin, called navKeys or such, whereas:

You have four directions to move
1) North: Tagging to
2) South: Tagged by
3) West: Referenced by
4) East: Referencing to:

Just bind any keys you like (like w-a-s-d) and, as I said, if there
are multiple in either direction... present a popup & use up/down
arrows to select... brilliant. So is that possibly just an addition to
FND's stuff that you were posting? Me want that!



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