> For this one I disagree with Yoni. It should be bullet points in 
> TiddlyWiki as well, to stay as close as the Roam experience. 

I think my proposal of top level item not being bullet points, but 
subsequent items being bullet points is best of both worlds. It respects 
the nesting levels but allows user to import a flat "essay" if they had no 
nesting.. But Anne-Laure's approach (which is what @Riz did in his 
prototype) is understandable and workable

...in the spirit of staying as close as possible to Roam, to not even 
> consider the question of tags. Whether #Title or [[Title]] these should all 
> be converted to [[Title]] in TiddlyWiki.

Agreed. But with some additional thoughts about how to use tags as 
reflected in my earlier post (the one beginning "Okay, this is looking 

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