Hi all,

I've gotten my plugin, to show videos in tiddlywiki with extra
functionality so that I can use tiddlywiki for video analysis and
annotation, working. I've done this by putting my code and assets in
tiddlers in a standalone tiddlywiki, which I view through 'timimi' (I used
to rename my tiddlywikis to .hta and run them self contained, but I needed
a debugger and dom inspector to develop my plugin, and now I've grown to
like them in a browser tab).

All information I can find on plugins is when you develop them with a node
server. I'm wondering if someone can point me to a way to 'export' the
relevant tiddlers in a way so that I can 'import' them into other
tiddlywikis. I'm hoping I don't have to manually copy and paste the
relevant tiddlers?



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