> To keep "the best of both worlds", you could do something like this:
> \define gofolder(text,foldertid,file) <$vars 
> folder={{$foldertid$}}><<link2file 
> "$text$" "$file$">></$vars>
> \define link2file(text,file) [ext[$text$|file:///$(folder)$/$file$]]
> with tiddlers [[MyDocs Path]], [[MyImages Path]], [[MyData Path]], 
> [[Downloads Path]] defining path to the folders.
> and then call it like this:
> <<gofolder "text to show" "MyDocs Path" "agreement/doc1.doc">>
> <<gofolder "text to show" "MyImages Path" "Scenery/lake.img">>
> <<gofolder "text to show" "MyData Path" "Data/something.dat">>
> <<gofolder "text to show" "Downloads Path" "Downloads/somefile.ext">>
 Yes! That's it! That's exactly what I wanted - a way to transclude (well, 
"kind of") a "path tiddler" into a local hyperlink, so that in case one of 
the "core folders" is renamed or moved I wouldn't have to search all the 
relative hyperlinks throughout the whole wiki and correct it one by one. I 
just edit one tiddler with the proper path.

So now with this macro 

\define gofolder(text,folderpath,file) <$vars 
folder={{$folderpath$}}><<link2file "$text$" "$file$">></$vars>
\define link2file(text,file) [ext[$text$|file:///$(folder)$/$file$]]

and tiddlers [[#MyDocs]], [[#MyImages]], [[#MyData]], [[#Download]] (listed 
them all in [[#MyPaths]] tiddler for easier reference)

i can use

<<gofolder "text to show" "#Downloads" "Downloads/somefile.ext">>
<<gofolder "text to show" "#MyDocs" "agreement/doc1.doc">> etc.

and it works! If I change the location of Downloads, I just change 1 
Tiddler [[#Downloads]] and all the apropriate links works just fine without 
any corrections!

Thanks again, Eric!

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