
Welcome to the forums, you father has a lot of respect and is a great 
contributor here so its nice to have more of the family here.

I know you are asking how "there are times when I want to use custom 
icons", I have attached my tool for doing this (see json). See the picture 
Icon in the sidebar or a new advanced search tab. I use it to search and 
open a tiddler then copy its title for transclusion. The choice is 
fantastic with fontawesome icons installed.

I have a resources wiki I search and extract the icons I need for a 
particular wiki (or the cor tiddlername), I always rename the icon tiddler 
but thet the image-source field to the original name so I can find it again 
if needed.

The problem you are experiencing is I expect because of a difference 
between core svg tiddlers and imported ones. The Favicon (and feather?) 
ones have being prepared as tiddlywiki tiddlers and work stand alone and 
don't seem to respond as image tiddlers per-say, they tend to work by 
transclusion {{imagetiddlername}}
I think if you hack around with comparisons between the two you may resolve 
the difference. I suspect the difference lays in the metadata and the 
height/width vs the viewBox.

However I have taken to cutting the svg paths and reassembling them and 
adding "fill" to suit my needs, but I still use them as transclusions. see 
focus button attached.


On Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 9:33:10 AM UTC+10, Daniel Gifford wrote:
> Hello!
> ----------------------------------------
> TLDR: The HCHaase/macros/icon doesn't resize custom/imported icons to fit 
> with the text (though it does recenter them).
> ----------------------------------------
> Most of you probably know my dad and after almost a decade and a half of 
> him recommending TW, I finally tried it out. I'm really enjoying TW and my 
> dad's been helping me with most of the technical questions I've had these 
> past months. But he couldn't figure out this one and encouraged me to ask 
> for help here.
> Lately I've started using icons with the Feather and the FontAwesome 
> plugins (as well as HTML icons). However there are times when I want to use 
> custom icons I can't find in the plugins (whether as decoration for 
> external links or referencing the icons for tools from the software I use). 
> The problem is that the HCHaase/macros/icon didn't recogize them.in the 
> same way it recognizes icons from TW proper.
> So in the last few days or so I've toyed with it a bit and today I finally 
> was able to *almost* acheive success as the icon finally fuctions close to 
> normal icons (changing color to pretermined icon color and centered with 
> text), however it still doesn't resize to the text size.
> For context, what I did was download a .svg file and resize it to ~25x25px 
> before importing it to TW (though being a vector file it shouldn't matter 
> that much...). In TW I tagged it with $:/tags/Image and named the tiddler 
> $:/core/images/NAME I also deleted the content type (which seems to be the 
> main reason it wasn't working as an icon before) and I (carefully) 
> eliminated any extraneous code from the SVG. 
> So this code is translated to this in the tiddler. Both the + and Fandom 
> icons use macros (the Wiki logo is from FontAwesome), but clearly the + 
> icon (from TW proper) is resized to the text where the Fandom icon 
> (imported icon) is centered with the text, but isn't resized.
> <https://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/attach/6aedd6e043d8a/Auto%20Generated%20Inline%20Image%203?part=0.3&view=1&authuser=0>
> Hope you guys can help! And thanks in advance! :)
> -Daniel Gifford

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Attachment: image-search.bundle.json
Description: application/json

Attachment: $ _PSaT_focus-tiddler_focus-button.tid
Description: Binary data

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