Hi Ed, Hi everybody!
thanks for your email which made perfect sense and made me dive further into learning systems...that is why it took me some time to reply. I had to understand the difference between Tin-Can-Api , SCORM and then find out what role moodle plays there. So here is a very short summary of what I figured out: As I understand, TinCan which has since been renamed to xAPI adds a feedback channel to SCORM to see what learners are doing with your input. Moodle which uses the SCORM-format seems to have focussed on a similar field recently by adding learning-analytics which is quite a hot topic in that community at the moment...but without using xAPI. Interpreting the density of information I found, moodle seems to have evolved much faster than xAPI.

We agree on the point that moodle has abilitys that TW is not build for. The main difference is the user management which enables theachers to let students upload media and perform tests. My Idea would be that TW5 would be the ideal portfolio to do the research for a course for university-teachers (Alberto Molina's Concept has prooved this a long time ago...), and for students to collect the information they judge valuable - and to take it with them into the post-academic life where their moodle-accounts have expired in a more sophisticated form than .pdf.

So I think having a converter (or conversion workflow) would be very good ... and doable for after all it is just parsing. But I am not shure on which side it should be placed. In this community it seems to be more likely to find wizard capable of creating and digesting the xml-based export-format of moodle. My skills being a little less superficial in php than in js I already had a look at how to create a moodle-plugin to perform this...but was a little intimidated by the hard standarts and the lack of such a wonderfull community like this here.

I think also Steves concept of usig TW parallely and referencing between them is an approach. My first idea was to use Moodle only as a sort of mailbox linking the "activities" from an informative TW-based coursebook. I was a little disappointed the URLs of the activities seem to change randomly if you are doing the course a second time... I am still wondering what a good workflow might be.
So please add your ideas...

Best wishes Jan

Am 02.10.2020 um 19:20 schrieb Ed Dixon:
Hi Jan,

Long time Moodle and TW5 fan here :)

Years ago, several here many had joined me in a push to add the TinCan API LMS standard to TW5 and I think your vision here and mine are similar in how TW5 could be used. What we were working on could / should work well with any stanard based LMS that supports SCORM comliance (Moodle amoung them). For me, my staff and I were in a blended learning environment so the goal was the students would have the materials to work with at home just as they would in class on Moodle and the TinCan API (which is a revision of the SCORM standard) when back in class could refresh those with new materials after importing the scorm data from the previous period. This would allow the teachers to track progress of the students work with those materals (time on task, simple self quizes, etc). We made a lot of headway and had not only many here from our community but also many other interested educators on board even a few from ADL which develops the SCORM standard. The API had a javascript implementation but there was an issue of using it with how the TW core was designed at that time. Regretfully shortly after we started all this a brain tumor was discovered and I ended up having 2 surgeries and am still trying to recover, no longer teaching, on full diability due to brain damage, and my memory is so fuzzy I am doing really well to remember any of this! I can only hope it makes sense LOL and that is probably only because it was so important to me then and would have been a huge help to all of us. I now use TW5 mainly as a journal to help me in my recovery.

Anyway, Jeremy was very involved in the effort and was working to provide support needed from the TW5 core for the API implementation. How far he got toward that (or others here with other solutions) I am not sure. I would love to see that goal fullfilled for all those involved and after having made such a big noise about it all. Hopefully Jeremy can shed some light on the possibility of doing it now but affraid other than just letting you know this I can't be of much more help.

As far as the effectivness of moodle over some of the other solutions mentioned here I have no idea (especially now) but to me then one of the bigger advantages of Moodle over the other LMS programs at that time was it ease in importing the digital materials and tests provided from the publishers directly into the system largly due to the LMS standards Moodle supports. I would not advocate using TW5 for test evaluaions but in tracking student progress and providing them resources and identifying learning oppurtuniies and weaknesses it would be a game changer. Or at least would have been back then that was at least 5-6 years ago so I have no idea what may be out there now.

Hope this is helpfull and Jeremy is following.
On Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 9:35:57 AM UTC-5 Ste wrote:

    I think the overriding factor for moodle choice is it's free! But
    Google classroom is so much better!!!!
    Get yourself a Pearltrees account (free one available you can n
    work as teams in it... and has the advantage that its yours!
    Here's mine pearltrees.com/stephenteacher
    <http://pearltrees.com/stephenteacher>). Upload your docs and
    collect your bookmarks to build up your resources. Iframe embed
    that into your moodle through a label. It looks slick. Look at my
    moodle you can say... People will say ooohhh... It Is 'in the
    moodle' but means you don't have to wrestle with the moodle apart
    from setting assignments which isn't too painful... Though I did
    give up trying to set up a self marking maths questions... (it's
    in there!)
    Iframe embed permalinks from your tidliwikis. This will save you
    much stress.
    Another thing I used to do was host assignment docs etc. in drop
    box and link to them from the moodle. I had a sycronisation
    program from portableapps.com <http://portableapps.com> (quietly
    install without bothering the nice IT dept) which copied folders
    from my work cloud drive to my hard drive every hour and the
    folder it copied into was my Dropbox folder so any updates to
    assignments... Spelling correction... Date change..
    Clarification.. would be live to the students in at most an hour.

    So use the moodle but drive your content in it from external sources.
    The label is your friend :)
    On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 13:39:35 UTC+1 Jan wrote:

        Hi Steve,
        I have to admit what you say is ture... compared to TW moodle
        is complicated and clumpsy.
        Preparing a course for the next semester is a drag.
        But it alllows you to organize and engage students into tasks
        and collect their results in a very concise way.  I guess that
        is why the school-board took this choice.
        And for me as for most of those who work in institutions who
        use moodles it would not be the smartes carreer-option to
        disdain such a choice.

        Therefore: The idea is not to switch to moodle but to be able
        to feed the moodle from TW and to save back courses to TW...

        Best wishes Jan

        Am 01.10.2020 um 11:57 schrieb Ste:
        Unless you have a cracking IT dept that has customised and
        tweaked the moodle to make it nice my general advice would
        be.. Don't use the moodle.
        Moodle is clunky and creaky and updating resources on it is a
        I tended to work round the moodle so if you add a label and
        press the <> button you can inject html into it
        I embedded my Pearltrees.com collections of resources and my
        wiki straight into the moodle.
        That way I could update both.. The students would see any
        changes instantly / after a refresh and I didn't have to
        interact with the moodle ever again.....


        On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 10:45:06 UTC+1 Jan wrote:

            Hello Community,
            Our school-board has just adopted a moodle-based
            Though I am a convinced TiddlyWikian I will use it
            because it brings
            advantages in learning-scenarios.
            To name these advantages
            -Activities like H5P,

            ...of course als TW has great advantages
            - Much faster editing and developping halfbaked thoughts
            to public texts.
            - Searching, combining...
            - Beauty ;-)
            - the priceless advantage of independence and the
            guarantee to be able
            to take your notes and texts with you in a form that is
            deployable anywhere else and for decades...
            (I already lost months of work in moodle where either I
            or the LMS quit
            the institution )

            My desire would be to merge the advantages.

            One thing that would be great would be a tool to exchange
            content. For
            example it would have helped me a lot if there had been an
            export-to-TW-tool to export the courses at the university.
            One the other hand I would love to prepare a
            Moodle-Course in TW
            (collect, sort and combine ideas and content)

            It seems there has been a tool for this back in 2007 for
            TW Classic and
            an old version of moodle ( http://moodle.tiddlyspot.com/
            ) It would be
            great to relaunch this project for the new versions.

            What are your Ideas?
            Has anyone here already taken a look on
            moodle-programming and knows
            how this could be achieved?

            Best whishes Jan

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