Hi Tones,

I'm not trying to solve any problems, it was just a matter of curiosity.  I 
used to use TitlesLikeThis a lot because they were used in some examples in 
the Tiddlywiki documentation; however, WikiWords have some limitations 
(WikiWords means your titles can't have spaces and can't be single words) 
so I don't really do that anymore.  I just use regular titles and [[Double 
Brackets]].  From what I've seen, that's pretty normal -- I don't see many 
WikiWords in other people's tiddlywikis. 

And it would be kind of weird looking at (e.g.) a table of contents, and 
seeing a bunch of WikiWords rather than regular text.  And tagging, it 
would look a little weird if instead of tagging something "Bookmarks" you 
had to tag it "BookMarks".

So when I look at one of my first wikis and I see pages like JohnSmith 
instead of [[John Smith]] I think "huh, that's right, I used to use 
WIkiWords a lot and stopped.  I wonder if there are any people who really 
dig WikiWords and still use them?  If so I wonder what their reason for 
doing so is?"

Maybe there aren't any, maybe everybody ends up moving to non-wiki-words 
titles like I did!  But I thought I'd ask.

On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 6:13:34 PM UTC-5 TW Tones wrote:

> Ed,
> Could you give some examples of your titles?
>    - My suspicions is you have a misconception on titles (stand to be 
>    corrected).
> As soon as you start to use tags and tiddler titles containing spaces some 
> of the wikitext may need improvement to cater for this. However once 
> practiced you will write your wikitext to support this from the get go. 
> When handling one or more titles (inc tags) with spaces another method 
> needs to be used to delineate the different titles. Given fieldnames do not 
> permit spaces in their names you do not need to cater for them in 
> fieldnames, but you do in their values.
> If handling lists of titles, as tags is a special case (tag operators), 
> you need to use enlist and listops operators to maintain a valid list of 
> titles. 
> Regards
> Tones
> On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 06:05:34 UTC+11 Ed Heil wrote:
>> As a relatively new tiddlywiki user, I'm always interested in the 
>> opinions of people who have been TiddlyWiki'ing for a long time, and this 
>> topic came to mind.
>> When I first started using TW (earlier this year), I tended to use 
>> WikiWords for titles.  I've since gone almost entirely to double brackets 
>> (meaning titles may be single words or may have spaces in them).  When you 
>> start using titles as tags, and use things like Table-Of-Contents plugins, 
>> it seems like an obvious move to remove the "multiple words, no spaces" 
>> restriction from titles.
>> I'm curious though if any experienced tiddlywikists still use WikiWords, 
>> and if so what they find valuable about them.

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