Hi Saq,
 Great tip. I will submit a ticket.


On Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 10:44:10 AM UTC+3:30 saq.i...@gmail.com 

> @springer So the dropzone widget which handles the import/paste/drag 
> actually lets you specify how to interpret the incoming text.
> So theoretically something like this should work:
> <$dropzone deserializer="application/x-bibtex">
> paste/drag bibtex here
> </$dropzone>
> However, it turns out that the deserializer attribute is only honoured for 
> files that are imported and not for text. This is worth creating an issue 
> for on github, I think we can do better.
> Saq
> On Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 1:45:33 AM UTC+1 springer wrote:
>> I just discovered this thread, while trying to understand related issues.
>> My workflow includes, for example, coming a cross a citation in google 
>> scholar, which I can display in bibtex format like so: 
>> @book{crary2016inside, 
>>     title={Inside ethics}, 
>>     author={Crary, Alice}, 
>>     year={2016}, 
>>    publisher={Harvard University Press} 
>> }
>> I was hoping that dragging that text into Tiddlywiki would auto-populate 
>> the fields. Instead, I get an ordinary tiddler with a text field that looks 
>> exactly like the above block.
>> What works: issuing a terminal command like pbpaste > crary.bib
>>  ... which yields a .bib file ... which I can then drag into tw5 (for 
>> import and recognition via bibtex plugin), but this is terribly roundabout.
>> Why not be able to drag and drop the contents of a field-parsable string 
>> (onto a special bibtex or json drop area if need be) and have tiddlywiki 
>> parse directly, populating fields if field patterns are present?
>> (Sorry that this question is framed with bibtex records in mind; but 
>> presumably the issues are similar for any json-formatted strings on the 
>> clipboard?)
>> -Springer
>> On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7:58:27 PM UTC-5 TW Tones wrote:
>>> David,
>>> In a similar vein for creating tiddlers from found text the OT and your 
>>> desire for "loaded" new tiddlers, One idea I had was to create a tab in the 
>>> side bar with a drop zone. Text dropped there would be imported silently 
>>> and create a tiddler according to a set of standards and fields etc. A 
>>> Second tab dropzone, could import the text another way. This method would 
>>> do well to have the below templates idea.
>>>    - David's point 1. Use the viewTemplate for untitled tiddlers and 
>>>    add this feature there (as in my last post)
>>> Templates idea
>>> TiddlyWiki is repeat with the concept of templates, as a result, I think 
>>> perhaps we have somewhat neglected the use of tiddler templates for 
>>> creating tiddlers. This should have a core representation so extra bespoke 
>>> work is not required for such a fundamental function. 
>>> I have developed a number of methods that can help meet the ideas in 
>>> your other points, The key is however having defined some template tiddlers 
>>> that are used to create different kinds of tiddlers. Such templates can 
>>> have what ever fields and values you want and one trick is to also include 
>>> fields for example with an underscore name eg: _tags value" "tagname1 
>>> tagname2", underscore fields are used to populate the no underscore field 
>>> of the same name eg: tags value" "tagname1 tagname2" when creating the new 
>>> tiddler from the template.
>>> Fields can only contain lowercase letters, digits and the characters 
>>> underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.) this this are the three 
>>> punctuation prefixes available.
>>> So I suggest;
>>>    - _fieldname results a in fieldname being created with the value in 
>>>    _fieldname used (if any).
>>>       - One special case would be _source-template which is recorded in 
>>>       the new tiddler
>>>       - another _object-name eg "task" when the template is used to 
>>>       create a task
>>>    - .fieldname If the current tiddler has fieldname use the "current 
>>>    tiddlers fieldname" to set the value "a context field"
>>>    - -fieldname could potentially use a macro or transclusion of a 
>>>    similar name as fieldname to populate the new field.
>>>    - All other fields are cloned into the new tiddler.
>>> On Wednesday, 11 November 2020 00:19:54 UTC+11, David Gifford wrote:
>>>> I decided to delete and rewrite my post since it was somewhat 
>>>> incomprehensible:
>>>> I have an idea that if implemented in TiddlyWiki, would solve si's 
>>>> problem, and would also solve a problem of my own: my problem is that 
>>>> sometimes I want any tiddler generated by creating a wikilink then 
>>>> clicking 
>>>> on the link, to have certain fields and data.
>>>> My idea is this:
>>>> 1. Have a separate tab in the control panel with the "Title for new 
>>>> tiddlers" and "Tags for new tiddlers"from the basics tab, but with a new 
>>>> element: "Fields for new tiddlers", which could look just like it does at 
>>>> the bottom of edit mode in all tiddlers. That way, si could set the fields 
>>>> (and add text to them if desired) so that when he pastes the text, the 
>>>> tiddler generated would have the fields and data added. Let's call this 
>>>> tab 
>>>> $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/NewTiddlerConfig 
>>>> 2. The other aspect of my idea is that 
>>>> $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/NewTiddlerConfig could be tagged, say, 
>>>> $:/tags/NewTiddlerConfig. And only the tiddler that has this tag will 
>>>> modify the creation of new tiddlers. So users could clone this tiddler and 
>>>> have a number of custom "new tiddler config" tabs - one for images, one 
>>>> for 
>>>> reading notes, one for contacts, etc, and use a switcher to tag the one 
>>>> they want to work on at a given time.
>>>> 3. Why is this helpful? Currently the only way to create tiddlers with 
>>>> preset fields is to create a custom new tiddler button for the sidebar. 
>>>> There are drawbacks: 
>>>> a) You have to choose an icon to make it distinct from the others.
>>>> b) If none of the standard icons fit, you need to create an icon and 
>>>> add it to a tiddler.
>>>> c) Sometimes you want to create tiddlers in other ways: using newhere, 
>>>> or creating a link and clicking on it, but the fields and data aren't 
>>>> added 
>>>> to the tiddler by those methods.
>>>> 4. What would this look like for the end user process? An example:
>>>> Say I have already created custom "New tiddler config" tiddlers. 
>>>> a) One is for reading notes. It has a bibliographic data field and a 
>>>> page number field. I use some sort of switcher to untag the the core "new 
>>>> tiddler config" tiddler, and tag this one. I add the bib data for the 
>>>> source I am going to read. Then every note I create has that data, and all 
>>>> I need to do is add the page number.
>>>> b) Then say I am going to work on adding images. I use the switcher to 
>>>> choose the "new tiddler config" tiddler I created for images. The text 
>>>> field is [img width="90%" [ ]], the tag is image and maybe there is some 
>>>> other field. I create images for a while and just paste the image 
>>>> location. 
>>>> c) Then I want to add contacts for a while. I use the switcher to 
>>>> choose my contact template. I can create my contact tiddler, tags and 
>>>> fields included, by typing a link to "Jeremy Ruston" and clicking on it, 
>>>> then just fill in the fields.
>>>> d) When I am done, I use the switcher to tag the core new tiddler 
>>>> config tiddler so new tiddlers are blank again.
>>>> Okay, I really need to get my class ready. Burst of inspiration over. I 
>>>> hope this is doable and that what I wrote inspires someone more 
>>>> knowledgable than me who could actually design this.
>>>> On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 5:08:24 AM UTC-6 si wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jeremy thanks for the response. I was specifically hoping to be 
>>>>> able to do it with something like $action-createtiddler so that I could 
>>>>> auto-populate the new tiddler with whatever fields and tags I need.
>>>>> My specific use case is that when I'm reading a PDF I usually create a 
>>>>> tiddler to represent the book. All my book tiddlers have a button for 
>>>>> creating a tiddler to store quotes from the book, tagged with the book + 
>>>>> metadata fields. Currently I just copy the text in manually, which is 
>>>>> fine, 
>>>>> I just wondered if there was a way I could speed up this process and have 
>>>>> it all happen with one button press.
>>>>> On Tuesday, 10 November 2020 07:33:51 UTC, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
>>>>>> On a device with a keyboard you can click on TiddlyWiki's page 
>>>>>> background and then use the keyboard shortcut for "paste". The $:/Import 
>>>>>> dialogue should open with the pasted item as a tiddler.
>>>>>> Best wishes
>>>>>> Jeremy.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jeremy Ruston
>>>>>> jer...@jermolene.com
>>>>>> https://jermolene.com
>>>>>> On 9 Nov 2020, at 21:17, si <matthew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Say you have copied a paragraph of text and it is stored in your 
>>>>>> clipboard.
>>>>>> Is there a way to create a button in TiddlyWiki that will create a 
>>>>>> new tiddler whose "text" field is populated with whatever was stored in 
>>>>>> your clipboard?
>>>>>> I'm not expecting the answer to be yes but I thought I'd ask just in 
>>>>>> case. Thanks in advance for your help.
>>>>>> -- 
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