Mark S,

This might be a good basis for further development: import into the 
prerelease, enter a filter in the Advanced Filter 
([!is[system]search[saver]] for example) and press the "Export as Zip" 
button next to it.

Mark S. a következőt írta (2020. december 8., kedd, 23:09:25 UTC+1):

> Now that we have (or will have in 5.1.23) a means to zip up tiddlers, 
> could we have a download saver that zips up the current TW?
> Motivation: Chrome on Android doesn't allow extensions, and now mangles 
> the original file name, adding it's own prefix text. If the saver could 
> save a zipped copy, then the version with the real file name could be 
> stored in the zip file. When you need to start a new session, you can just 
> unzip the file with the right name.
> Plus, the zip files would take less space and be easier to manage.
> Thanks!

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