To be sure, Dave: i just did the Stroll upgrade (yellow pill in content 
area of this page 
<>, right?) in 
my browser (latest Chrome: Version 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) 
(x86_64) on Mac), and everything still looks the same -i.e. the options 
under pink eyeball icon are still:

*Choose how to view references:*

 Full text
 Full text under sliders
 Highlights in context
 Simple links
Is this a definitive proof that the upgrade didn't work? Is there some 
other test i can try?

Yours, Walt

On Thursday, December 31, 2020 at 3:36:56 PM UTC David Gifford wrote:

> Hi ludwa
> I just downloaded an empty TW from, 
> dragged the tag pill into it, and saved changes and refreshed. It works 
> fine.
> I don't know if TiddlyDesktop interferes, I haven't worked with that at 
> all. Maybe try a browser for this? 
> On Thursday, December 31, 2020 at 9:28:41 AM UTC-6 ludwa6 wrote:
>> Hey Dave: You work fast, man!  So: i took the yellow pill as recommended 
>> -this time it took awhile to do its thing- saved, rebooted... But i'm not 
>> seeing any diffs.
>> Am not sure what diffs i should see, since i already did the incremental 
>> fix you provided for the Edit form... But, for one thing, the list of "How 
>> to view References" is unchanged, i.e.
>> *Choose how to view references:*
>>  Full text
>>  Full text under sliders
>>  Hidden
>>  Highlights in context
>>  Simple links
>> ... So if there's supposed to be a new "vertical tabs" view, then shall i 
>> take it to mean that my upgrade didn't work?
>> NB:  i'm using TiddlyDesktop version 0.0.13 to manage this index.html 
>> file... And, via this interface, i don't see any "Close others" / "Fold 
>> others' options.  In fact if i those buttons were ever there, i would not 
>> have noticed, because i have not used nor ever sought such functions 
>> (ignorance is bliss in this case :-)
>> On Thursday, December 31, 2020 at 2:19:44 PM UTC David Gifford wrote:
>>> Hi everyone
>>> I updated the Stroll site, and the empty Stroll site, to TiddlyWiki 
>>> version 5.1.23, and added the following:
>>> I updated the Relinks and link-to-tabs plugins for both.
>>> I fixed the problem with the close and delete buttons not working. 
>>> I originally was going to kill the functionality that created missing 
>>> tiddlers when saving changes after editing tiddlers. I changed my mind and 
>>> updated it so it is still there.
>>> I also added the editor-autolists plugin and a new way to view 
>>> references: as vertical tabs.
>>> After you have upgraded your Stroll site to TW v 5.1.23, please go to 
>>> and drag 
>>> the tag pill there to your file and save changes and reload. That should be 
>>> all you need.
>>> Happy New Year to everyone! Enjoy your updated and enhanced Stroll.
>>> Dave Gifford
>>> P.S. One problem I still have is that the Close others and Fold others 
>>> buttons in the more menu do nothing. After poking around, I have no idea 
>>> what is causing that. Would anyone here be willing to have a look?

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